I feel so sad, mad and frustrated with myself.. Help!
You have to let up on yourself and know that now that you realize that you're going back to your "comfort food" STOP...switch the habit to something else.
Let yourself heal and get better. My hubby has a bad back and when he does something like gardening, etc. he's out of commission for a few days.
You are NOT alone in this struggle. For me, it's the week before my period and I crave carbs like there's no tomorrow. What I did to change it this week, was to go "all protein, no carbs at all" and I get rid of that craving.
Don't beat yourself up, we're all still in the learning process here!
Hi Shireen - I had Dr Quilici, too! And have had the same issues which have precluded my weight loss. I'm only down 60# - have been eating crap until yesterday when I had a "severe dumping episode" as a result of a protein shake I don't usually drink - I saw Dr Q and he said forget about the protein shakes, just eat what's palatable. Well of course today I can't eat a thing, but totally feel your pain. A little chips here, a little sweets there, it has added up to probably another 15# that I could have lost by this point.
So the moral of the story is, please don't be so hard on yourself - it's one bite at a time, and btw, there is a great new support group that started at St Joes on the 2nd Wed of each month on "Eating Normally" for patients of Dr Q who are 6 months out...call Julie in his office if you're interested. Dr Andrews is facilitating.
I'm in Burbank (work for Disney) if you want to email or call for support - (818) 560-6965 or [email protected] if you want to talk offline. We should get to know each other being so close! Can you get in the pool? There is one at the "Y" on Magnolia and Tujunga that may help your back as well as help you feel you're getting some exercise. Drink TONS of water - that helps me when the craving****
Hope to talk to you soon!
Jen Santana
LAP RNY 9/29/05
Dr Phillipe Quilici, Burbank CA
Oh Jen! I am so happy to meet you! I will call you, I would love to bond and get together. Yes, I do know about the new 6 month out group that Dr. Andrews facilitates. I went to the first group last this month. I was there. WEre you?
Let's connect over the weekend so we can talk ok? I am so happy to hear from you
305/201/140 5'6"
Lap RNY 09-09-05
We are in the same boat. I had this surgery because I have a bad back. I know what taking all that medicine can do to you. You are sleeping more and just grab whatever you can find to fill you up until you wake up again. First of all I do believe that the medicine prohibits weight loss because it is slowing everything down in your body. I know it is not easy to say"just eat healthier" because you probably feel like sh**and just want to eat and go back to bed. Try keeping something healthy(fruit) beside you so then you don't have to get up and you have no choice but to eat what is right in front of you. I know that this is a really hard thng to get through. I am on enough medincine to kill a small horse-so I know what you are going through. If I can be of any help let me know.
I have a history of throwing my back out and come from a bad back family. I've been flat on my back unable to move from back pain at least 12 times in my life maybe more. My treatment of choice is flexoril.
Anyway...check with your doctor, but I bet there is not reason you cannot walk or ride a stationary bike, unless you have ruptured a disk. Anyway don't be hard on yourself about the lbs. You will get back to it when you feel better.
Hi Shireen!
I just read your message today. Ok so you gained 4 pounds. Honey, you fell of the wagon thats all. You will get back on it and do great! You look fantastic.
I find myself trying to fall back into my old lifestyle. Things don't go my way...I eat or think about eating. I'm bored....I eat or think about eating. It is really easy for all of us to fall back on food. Look how long we all depended on food to comfort us. Everytime you catch yourself eating or thinking about eating distract yourself with something else. I know it is easier said than done. I know for me when I get into the mood when I feel like I have to eat I look at before pictures of myself and I remember what it was like to be my old weight. And then I put the donut down and restart my "diet". We will all have set backs, don't beat yourself up over it.