I think I finally see a difference
Well, went shopping today and tried on a pair of Bermuda shorts and a long sweater and went out of the dressing room to the tri-mirror and I think I finally see the difference of 100 pounds gone!
I remember last summer this time, searching, and searching for sizes 30/32 in shorts and shirts and finding only a few.
NOW, they are a size 18W!!!
Plus, I got a pair of jeans for 3 bucks...a bit snug yet, but for 3 bucks, who cares? I'll lose another 5 pounds and they'll be fine.
Got two of those long sweaters (short sleeved) for 5 bucks a piece.
I hit the bargains and thought I looked better at the same time. I woman at the dressing room told me the outfit looked really nice. I told her, yeah, especially when last year I was buying sizes 30/32.
I'm proud of myself today! I think it may be starting to "sink" in that I've lost some weight.
I also bought a pair of stretchy shorts to start going to the gym in. I need to start toning and using the circuit at the Y and don't have a thing to wear there!
I refuse to wear elastic waisted pants/shorts again. THey were my downfall to gaining weight before...only in workout clothes will I wear them!
had to share.
Congradulations!! Isn't it amazing how screwed up our bodyimage remains after 100 less pounds? I guess it does take time for the mind to catch up to what we have done. Imagine 100 less pounds!! What a thrilling concept and who would have thought being 100 less pounds was possible this time last year? YOU are doing great. Enjoy the ride!! jacqueline
Congratulations Paula,
Isn't that awesome?? I'm not there yet but will be by fall I hope. Now, at 5'3 and 235, I'm in a size 22, but hey, that makes me happy enough for now. I understand about not wearing the elastic waisted pants again. That REALLY helps sneak on the pounds. When I was pregnant with each of my kids, I didn't buy maternity clothes, just went to sweats, leggings, etc. Eventually, 10# a year snuck on. My youngest is 15, so go figure! I'm like you, I looove hitting the bargain racks! I have a pair of 19's and 18''s in storage just waiting to be worn. I can't wait. Anyway, I'm really happy for ya!
Congrats Paula-
Isn't it great to go shopping and have things to choose from. Not just the one or two in our size. I am right with you on the no more loose cloths. I just went from 16 to 14 and noticed when I wear my 14's I get fuller faster.
You should be proud- it has been a lot of hard work to reach these goals.
I hope to get out of work a little early today to do some shopping I can hardly wait.
isn't it an awsome feeling to buy smaller clothes..for me I see the sizes are getting smaller but sometimes I see myself as the 290 lb woman so when u also see it for yourself that great!!!!
I saw somewhere how u met you hubs in an ad in the paper..so did my hubs abd I now we have been married for 12 yrs!!! small world
take care and keep on smiling!!