I did something I have never done before. I did a 5k walk yesterday. I actually made it to the finish line. My friend and I were among the last ones through. I was happy that I finished. I have ostio arthritus and a bad knee, so I wasn't sure I could do it. I am hurting today, but it is worth it just to be able to say I did it. What suprised me is that I wasn't even out of breath. I was able to talk and walk at the same time. I walked slow, but I did it in 1 hour and 10 minutes. I am really proud of myself. I never would have even tried this before.
Carol W
I am so proud of you toooo !!!!! Wow That is such a great accomplishment. I sure wish I could spell. Wow I am just so happy for you. I know you was having a hard time getting your excercise because of your knee and arthritus. This is a big step for you. and not even getting out of breath..... Guess what I think your a walker full time now.
So happy for you
Walking is the best
Hugs your way
Congratulations! That's awesome. I soooo wanna do that next summer! I told my hubby, mark my word, next year, I am going to walk/run in the relay for life or something along those lines that they have every year. I'm going to be 40 NEXT June and what an awesome way to celebrate my new life! He just laughed and said, yeah, I bet. At 40, you'll be worse off than you feel now. Excuuuse me, no way. I have never, ever had the freedom of enjoying my body without kinks, pains, huffing and puffing, etc. I fully intend on acting like a young woman for a very long time. I don't want to dress like an old lady or act like one until I AM one! It's so exciting to know I'll be able to finally do this by next summer. Thanks for the motivation.
Hmmmm Im 48 I feel like I am 20 and I have a weak heart !!!!!! I dress like a younger lady. I dont wear mini skirts or hot pants. But I dress trendy. I dressed like a very much older woman for many years. People thought I was in my 60s when I had my heart attack. People was calling my husband my SON yes that bad !!!!!! Now they dont do that anymore.
Your going to get there. I cant wait until you tell us next year about your run !!!!