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Topic: re vitamins
thanks, beth,
your regime makes alot of sense. i've taken stool softeners once. so it's ok to take them regularly? they don't make you go more, just easier??? thanks for the advice.
Topic: RE: question on arthritis meds...
I had back surgery a year ago and take Soma for my arthritis and pain. It works awesome! Good luck.
Topic: RE: re vitamins
I space everything about by at least 2 hours. Multivitamin and B12 in the morning, calcium for mid-morning, calcium mid-afternoon, mulivitamin around supper and a B6 before going to bed. I finally got a daily pill container because I got so I couldn't remember if I had taken something or not!
If you are anemic, take that iron! Find something to combat the constipation.
Wal-mart makes a stool softner (no laxative in it!) that I take twice a day. I also use Benefiber a couple times a day. Check with your doctor what he/she recommeds but severe anemia will eventually make you feel terrible!!
Take care,

Topic: re vitamins
hi sandy,
i've read that you shouldn't take your iron and your calcium at the same time (maybe that's why you shouldn't take your calcium with your multivitamin - because of the iron in it?).
i chew a flinstones multivitamin in the morning, then a little while later take my calcium & biotin (i don't wait that long and i don't know how long to wait).
i try and take my vitron c during the day. i am anemic but also i have terrific constipation when i take it so i do skip it alot, unfortunately.
in the evening, i chew another multivitamin and then have another calcium before i go to bed.
Topic: RE: The Great Exercise Challenge-Let's BOOGIE boys and girls!
Laura - Thanks for the information, so the hard drive is the way to go? Whether I look at an MP3 or an Ipod Mini? I'm going to Costco and maybe Best Buy to look this weekend. Hugs, Sandy
Topic: RE: The Great Exercise Challenge-Let's BOOGIE boys and girls!
Sue - OK, I thought I was a cool mom but I have never heard of alot of that music. I wrote it all down and I'm going to check it out this weekend, either an MP3 or Ipod mini. And I'll also check out My 8-year old daughter loves Avril Levigne so maybe we can share that CD, haha! I'll report back on Monday if I'm successful in my portable music challenge! Thanks for the help! Sandy
Topic: RE: How many carbs??
Sherry - WOW, thanks for mentioning that, I'll ask about that at my appointment on Tuesday. I had my bloodwork done this past Tuesday. Yikes, with all the vitamins I'm taking, how would I space it out to avoid taking the multi and the citracal together??? What do you take and WHEN??? Thanks! Sandy
Topic: RE: SUPERMAN took my wedding rings....
Manda - what a beautiful story, thank you SO much for sharing!!! Your sweetie is a Super" man! What an incredibly loving tribute to your efforts and success. He's a keeper for sure! Hugs, Sandy
Topic: RE: poll - food
(1) what are you eating now that you couldn't before?
weirdly, it's sugar. i dumped and felt just awful when i cheated and had a cookie a few times back in the fall but now, no problem. i don't pu**** though. an occasional cookie is all i'm willing to risk.
(2) what are you having a hard time with?
fish filets, go figure. can't eat very fatty foods, they make me sick, like sausage. mcdonalds eggs sit in my chest.
(3) "cheated" or experimented with something?
that occasional cookie and popcorn at the movies.
(4) what would you like to change about your eating habits?
i need to drink more water on the weekends when i am on the go. otherwise i feel great about my eating habits. and they have become "habits." it took 2-3 months to really change my habits. now i focus on protein without thinking about it. if i feel the need to have a cracker it might be one or two, not the whole box. and i am so satisfied, head and stomach, with less food.