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Topic: RE: Peeking in from the oct. boards Up for ?'s
Thanks for the sweet response. I try to stick to a schedule with everything but I have two small children and it seems everyday is differant. It is close though. I used to keep track of everything on fitday and was getting under 1000 daily I am almost afraid to check it now. I know I should I don't think it would be much over 1000 though. I feel a lot better since surgery so no complaints just want to reach goal, I know don't we all. Congrats on Your success and thanks again for the hopeful response. Shell
Topic: RE: Peeking in from the oct. boards Up for ?'s
Hello Shell G
I am right there with you... I weigh daily and I have been stuck between 185 and 188 for WEEKS!!! I don't dump and I have cheated and sometimes even gone overboard... reverting back to old habits...feel bad about not losing a pound... eat a cookie or two or three!!! Thank God my pouch is still fairly small or I'd eat more cookies than I do!!! I have to have chocolate daily!!! But in reading many many posts... we are right on track with the general masses. Glad someone else is out there that can feel the frustrations like me... there are days that I am so scared that this is it. I made today my new day to get back on track. And I have done GREAT! Scales on the low end... at 186... so hopefully tomorrow will show something positive. Good luck and keep up the good work!
Topic: RE: 6 months
Congrats on your loss!!! Way to go!!! Keep up the good work and keep rewarding yourself!!! You ALL should be VERY proud of yourselves!

Topic: RE: 6 month checkup
pre op 247.5
goal 138
lost 62
total to lose 110
% lost about 60%
This was a good idea to post. I was worrying that I was off target but seeing every one else's numbers... especially the % lost I see I am right on track. Thanks for the boost in confidence! And peace of mind!!!
Topic: RE: Great info
Thanks Sue. I'm just getting started in FitDay and yes I do find it lacking in some respects. So I will definitely give this page a shot and compare the two. Congrats on eating only 2 eggs! That is restraint!!! Valentines Day did me in!!! Chocolate everywhere and I don't dump!!! Dang it!!!
Thanks again
Topic: RE: Hernia's??? Do i have one???
Sounds like you got yourself a hernia. Call the office now and let them know of your suspicions. Also, watch your temperature! Hernia's can become whats called incarcerated. The muscles can actually tighten around the hernia and cut off blood supply to the involved tissues and can cause MAJOR and I mean major problems that could require emergency surgery. Keep your appt for the first but call the office and update them and like I said, check your temp daily (preferably in the afternoon) and if you see a spike in your temp call the office immediately or go to the ER.
Good luck... hope the pain eases
Topic: RE: re survey
1. pre op wt. (official) 247.5
2. Goal... 138
3. Lost... 62
4. total goal... 110
5. percentage... 60% + a percent or two.
Topic: RE: New pics!!!
WOW!!! Great pic. I have to get a new one posted as well. I saw a pic of me the other night for the first time since surgery and all I could say "Oh MY GOD!!!!"""" I didn't realize my look had changed that much. Congrats on the new you!
Topic: RE: Peeking in from the oct. boards Up for ?'s
Boy I tell ya I hate the scales One day I am 195 the next 198 the next 196 the next 198 the next 195. I know I shouldn't weigh that much but I am guilty. I refuse to weigh more than once a day I can't imagine what they would go between. Ugh. Owell Thanks for the reply and The warm welcome. Congratulations on your sucess. Shell