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Topic: RE: chicken/turkey neck cream...
Thanks Anna,
I have some of that, I will get into the habit of using it on the bod.
Topic: RE: I finally posted pics of myself
Size 9???????????????????????????????????????????????
Let me be one of the first to call you a skinny b*tch! (Please don't be offended, that is the ultimate compliment!) You look absolutely beautiful.
SIZE 9! In less than 7 months! WOW. Thanks for sharing your new pics!

Topic: RE: chicken/turkey neck cream...
You are so pretty! Your pictures are great! Thank you for the nice words about mine
I agree with you it is really strange reconciling the two people you see in before and afters, or in my case, still "during". I hope you enjoy continued success and health also. You are already a knockout!

Topic: RE: What the heck...s-l-o-w-i-n-g down....
First off happy belated Anniversary. Mine was on the 13th of March. I've only lost about 10 since about a month ago and that is slowing down for me. I know we get to a point where it happens. You are doing so great with your weight loss though. Have no fear weight loss can pick up and slow down so saying you won't make under 200 by your birthday may not be true. I myself want to be under 200 by the end of April. One thing I try to do is make goals that are reachable. If I set them to high then I lose confidence in myself it I don't make em.
When my weight loss slow's and I get nervous I start making sure my fitday is totally accurate and I keep track of everything. Makes me accountable for what I am eating. Also make sure your not consuming to many calories which I am sure your no****er helps, when you drink more or atleast when I drink more it tends to help me eat better cause I am not as hungry when I am properly hydrated. Protein is great but sometimes it is hard to get it all in. I have days when I am hungrier then I am on other day's. Some day's I feel like I am a bottomless pit.
I really don't know what your doing right or what your doing wrong so giving your advice tailored to you is hard but following the basic's is helpful. It could just be a time when your body has slowed to readjust to your weight loss. As long as your losing and not gaining i'd say it's a plus.
Best wishes

Topic: I finally posted pics of myself
I asked my Dh to take some pictures of me in my SIZE 9 jean's that my niece gave me. They are stretchy but who care's they are a size 9 and they fit. I am trying to figure out how to get a pair with the tag on the OUTSIDE. LOL
Just click on my www and it should take you right to my website.

Topic: RE: What the heck...s-l-o-w-i-n-g down....
we definately are all on the same wave length...I'm struggling with this same issue - i saw the doc on 2/14 and since then have only lost 8 lbs - talk about disgusting! I don't even eat pastas, breads, or red meats, etc and have slowed down to a crawl - and having emotion issues to boot. I was doing 20 min of cardio then fat burning so i'm try more cardio and see if i can get this scale moving/body moving again.
Topic: RE: chicken/turkey neck cream...
Sue, I just saw your pics and you look awesome!!!! Great job, keep up the good work. I just got a couple of pics added to my page. It's funny looking at before and after's of yourself!! I wish you continued success!!

Topic: RE: YES--ANOTHER one of those HAIR LOSS questions!
Hi Sherri,
Out of curiosity,how much are you taking per day?
Topic: RE: just me...
How's it going? Did you get hold of your doc? What's the verdict? Yes, I can be nosey at times...*smiles*
Topic: RE: YES--ANOTHER one of those HAIR LOSS questions!
Mine has been falling out for about 6 weeks.....and according to the dieticians I go to, that is the average time that the mass exodus from the scalp lasts. They started me on Biotin. It's a water soluable B-Vitamin that is suppose to help with hair & nail growth. I take it religeously.