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Topic: RE: Found a NEW love....
Sorry your going on 3 weeks with a/f. I had my constantly and I mean constantly for almost a year. I was finally put on Norethin. My gyno put me on it in Sept. but honestly I didn't start taking it until late November cause I wanted to start taking it after my surgery. I was taking 2 tabs daily for 2 weeks then off 2 weeks. Now I am on 1 pill daily for two weeks on and two weeks off. Thankfuly it is normal again. I go off it in July so I am hoping and praying things stay "normal".
I'm happy to see your scale is moving again. Nothing's worse then being stuck or riding the same 2 or 3 pounds up and down.
Glad your not drinking with your meals anymore. I haven't done that yet but I know it is hard not to drink while I eat. I always drank with my meals.
Thanks for asking how we're doing. I hope life continues to go great for you.

Topic: RE: Could i had done better....
Well then I won't tell you all the things you already know but I will tell you that your mind is in the right place and that your going to do exactly what your destined to do. It is never to late to exercise. You know what you need to do and your doing it and that is all you can ask for. I wish you the best with everything.

Topic: 6 Month followup (with hernia!)
Hi all,
I just got home and am down 70.. the surprise was the hernia! I had no discomfort until my surgeon was pushing around my stomach and then oooh that didn't feel good. Anyway, he said he would do a TT and the hernia repair together. Unless my hernia gets bad we are not going to do anything for at least another 6 months.
So, I really want to take advantage of the second half of my year... I would like to lose 60 pounds, but 45-50 would be great. Still, I am going to shoot for 60.
I think we are all in that same boat. I too have fallen into old habits and trying (fighting) daily to get back on track and stay there. Don't beat yourself up... just do the best you can. We are all right here to support you if you need it!
PS... Sue Boo... you are just too cute!!!
Topic: RE: Could i had done better....
Amanda, you are not alone... Valentine's day was the big day for me... chocolate every where... and it took me about 6 weeks to get back on track. I cheated EVERY DAY!!! I know I could have lost a lot more in those 6 weeks but I just caved in. It was so cold here and I took comfort in my sweets... fortunately I couldn't eat much and unfortunately, I don't dump... but I did cave into my old habits. Now it seems I'm remotivated, re-energized and ready to get going again. Thank goodness this tool works for longer than 6 mos!!! In reading the posts... it seems we all hit a plateau at 6 mos... mine lasted about 7 weeks and it finally has broken. The chocolate every day didn't help but what the hey....
don't beat yourself up... we are all in the same boat and we all still have our oars in the water... just keep on paddling.
Topic: RE: Could i had done better....
Don't beat yourself up....Same thing here. I've lost 68lbs since Septemeber 27th 2004 and only 20lbs since January. A lot of things have
happened in my family since then (death of father-n-law), however I'm
still putting myself last and not doing the things I know I need to be
doing. I joined Curves and go faithfully now 3-4times a week. I am
concentrating more on my protein and less on carbs. So far no weight
loss but am tempted to throw out my scales. All my life my day to day
feelings are related to that darn scale!!!
Anyway....good luck and keep on keepin're not alone...Darbi
Topic: Could i had done better....
k maybe this is a vent for me maybe this is me yellin at myself for takin this surgery for granted.... Maybe i am statin this bc there are others like me out there and they need to know they are not alone...
Since december i have lost 20 lbs and at that time i was 4 months out.... now that i will be 7 months out on the 11th i feel i could had done better. I have been reading profiles of many people today and i keep finding that many have lost 150 lbs by there 7th month.... but me i am behind by 30 lbs.... Now here is why i feel its my fault. From jan 1 i had NOT exercised not even walkin... yes i took this tool for granted and now i know what i have to do. I know that people are going to tell me dont compare urself to others and i swear that i am not ... bc if i were then i would had excersized like i knew that i should and like the others that did lose 150lbs did and now i working out and trying to put my mind and body back into this... i aint goin to say its easy bc by all means its not... I have til sept to lose 80-90 lbs and darn it i will do... BC i know that i can.
~120 lbs
Topic: RE: Found a NEW love....
I'm glad the doc figured out the pain problem. I never knew that a hernia could cause you to eat like how an ulcer can. What is the doc going to do about it? If my body decides to have a hernia, I hope it waits till I lose more weight. It's my understanding that alot of insurance companies will approve some tummy plastic surgery when a hernia is being removed. I'm developing this little apron that I would be more than happy to part with.
Myself, I've developed a taste for catalope. And...I'm not as crasy about strawberries as I use to be. I think that's because I never chewed them up so well before to notice every little seed.
Topic: RE: Happy Easter & My New Progress Album!
Hi Jo,
Thanks for your nice reply to my pictures
You, my dear, are looking so amazing! I looked at your profile, and you seriously look like a completely different person than your before picture! Are you having many instances where people aren't recognizing you? I have had a couple and I think it's so strange. I agree with you about the cream, if there's any chance it's working, I'm going to keep using it!

Topic: RE: Happy Easter & My New Progress Album!
Hey Pam,
I just love you, you always make me smile with your upbeat posts! Thank you so much for all your kind words. My "fat" pictures drive home to me just how awful I was feeling before, because I don't EVER want to go back there for the sake of some larger portions, ya know? I may have had a lower starting weight than some people who have had wls, but considering how short I am, you can see how big and uncomfortable I was. Not to mention killing myself with my out of control diabetes. But I know we all have a story just like that, and that's why we're all here and we understand each other so well. If you need ANY help posting pictures then email me and I will help you out. We want to see your pretty face and shrinking bod too!