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Topic: RE: Sue Boo-What did your surgeon say about . . .
First I want to say hang in there! You came this far already, you can go the distance! I know that if you have an issue your insurance will cover they can quite often slide one it won't cover along in with it. If I got the chance for an arm and thigh lift that was covered under my insurance, I would go for it. Maybe I am vain but now I want everything to look good.

Topic: RE: Sue Boo-What did your surgeon say about . . .
That post was a lot to pun intended. I am so wowed by all the dr. had to tell you. I will definitely keep u in my thoughts. Take care and know we all support you here in whatever you decide to do!
Love, Katie
Topic: RE: Monday check in!
Weight loss this week- -2 WOO HOOO!!!!!
Weight Loss overall- 63lbs
Favorite helpful food of the week- hmm pickles and sf pudding yum
Exercise goals for the coming week- i cant commit!@
Concerns? nada
Wow moments!? losing 2lbs heh
Topic: RE: Sue Boo-What did your surgeon say about . . .
As someone who is always facing medical "issues", I can totally understand what it's like to have so many issues on your plate.
I think I would make the thyroid check a priority, though. Everything else can wait. kwim??
I don't have any real advice, but I did want to send you lots of ((( HUGS )))
Topic: RE: Sue Boo-What did your surgeon say about . . .
Sue -
WHEW! I didn't realize I was holding my breath while I read your entire message til I was done. That is alot to digest and consider. Here is my opinion although I hope I don't offend! My first reaction is that your thyroid concerns should absolutely take priority. Is it possible to biopsy your thyroid and get the results while you are still under anesthesia and remove it if the results show cancerous cells? The other procedures, while possibly desirable, would seem to take a backseat to a legitimate health concern.
Is this your gastric bypass surgeon whom you have consulted for the plastic surgery? If so, is that a "specialty?" I hope you are considering going to a surgeon who has done many surgeries gastric bypass candidates who have lost significant amounts of weight. From what I hear it's a craft unto itself.
I made an appointment a few days ago for a consultation with the doctor that I will likely use for my PS. When I said I was primarily interested in a TT and breast reduction, the nurse asked if I wanted my arms too. She did say that it was easier to get insurance approval post surgery if it was all submitted together. So I said I would consider it. I didn't feel like she was trying to make $$$ off me, more that she knew I wasn't likely to have procedures done that insurance wouldn't cover and she wanted me to be happy!
The plastic surgeon was booking for the third week in June so my appt. isn't until June 24, and I'm aiming for surgery in September when the kids go back to school, so I have alot of time to lose all my weight and really think about it. Why don't you give yourself some time to consider your options as far as PS? Lose the weight you want, keep exercising like crazy and see how your body takes shape. You may decide you can live with your arms/thighs . . . whatever. I guess my point is not to rush into anything! I'm feeling a little freaked out about my excess skin so I am trying to be patient! If your mom "pushes your buttons" then discuss with a sister/friend/husband . . . or those of us on this board *****ally care about you, notwithstanding not having met you (!) and so-o-o know what you're going through!
Good luck, let us know what you decided, and focus on that thyroid! Hugs, Sandy
Topic: RE: Sue Boo-What did your surgeon say about . . .
Sue, that is a lot to take in!!! I don't even know what to say. I guess I would go through the TT, Thyroid combo for sure... adding upper arms seems a little much, but I guess it is something to consider. After that I think the main thing is to see what is up with the thyroid before you worry about the veins and thigh lift.... Why would he wait for a third operation to deal with the thyroid and not do that in a secod proceedure if it needs to be dealt with? Well, I hope you are doing well and not getting down, you will get through this! You have such a great attitude and spirit that I know you will be just fine.... still, eveyone needs a hug now and then!
Topic: RE: Sue Boo-What did your surgeon say about . . .
Hi Sandy
Thank you for asking...
The only thing he said re: the dizziness was not to get up too fast! I am still feeling it this morning. He also was very concerned about my thyroid and prescribed TSH thyroid hormone. He said it is twice the size of normal and has nodules all over it. (I knew this stuff pre-op because they made me get 2 ultrasounds and several fine needle biopsies before they would do the wls on me, but I got the all clear back then.) He says he is still concerned that they may have missed something. SO he says he wants to do a tummy tuck on me, combine it with my upper arms in one procedure, and biopsy the heck out of my thyroid while I'm under. Then in a second procedure at a later date, he wants to strip out my bulgy vericose veins in my legs and do my thigh lift at the same time. If it turns out that my thyroid is cancerous, then he would take that out in a third procedure. Plus he told me to see a cardiologist because I've had some heart palpitations too. I'm a bit overwhelmed, to be honest. He was very happy with my weight loss thus far, and told me he thought I shouldn't lose more than 25lbs more. Anyway, sorry to dump all this on you, I'm a bit confused about what to do. My mom thinks he wants to make lots of $$$ through all these surgeries on me. But my mom is a scaredy cat with doctors and would never ever have done gastric bypass. While I know that I would look better with my arms and thighs lifted, I don't know if I want to be going through so many procedures besides tummy tuck. I think by combining them, they get some insurance coverage perhaps??? What do you think?

Topic: RE: Sharing GREAT news...
Missy -
Your weight loss is ASTOUNDING! Keep it up girl, you are almost there! What are you eating each day? Are you exercising? Share the secrets of your success! Hugs, Sandy
Topic: Sue Boo-What did your surgeon say about . . .
your dizziness? Let us know how you are! Hugs, Sandy
Topic: RE: Monday check in!
Weight loss this week- nadda, getting a little frustrated with that, oh well, this too shall pass, so they say...
Weight Loss overall- 110 from surgery and around 130 from highest
Favorite helpful food of the week- Honey Bunches of Oats, YUM
Exercise goals for the coming week- to walk 5 out of 7 days
Concerns? I guess that hasn't changed, I still can't get past the "I'm gonna be the one who messes this up for myself"
Wow moments!? A week or so ago I saw a friend I hadn't seen since before surgery and she seriously had no idea who I was until I spoke. That felt SO good.