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Topic: RE: Lurker - forgot to put pic link
You look amazing. Keep up the great work.

Topic: RE: Lurker - updated pics
Kudos from a fellow September Wisconsinite! You look fabulous and most importantly...happy!
Keep up the great work...
RNY 9-10-04
106 pounds gone!!!
Topic: RE: ? for the girls...
Well, I'm sorta bummed to hear that there are others going through the same thing, but at least I know I'm not crazy or a failure.
Anyone have suggestions for how to overcome the hunger and cravings? I'm guessing the solution is the same old thing we've been told for years...drink more water, go for a walk, etc. Oh isn't the worst thing to happen.
Thanks ladies for sharing...
Keep up the fabulous work!
RNY 9-10-04
106 pounds gone!!!
Topic: RE: ? for the girls...
I have the same problem ... starts about 7 days prior to my period starting and then gets back to normal after a few more days. The really bad thing is that it isn't just hunger, it is craving the sweets that is the worst!
You are not alone!
Topic: RE: ? for the girls...
i am the same way also , tottally starving b4 and durring then after it goes away
Topic: ? for the girls...
Hello all...
I guiltily admit that I've been lurking again...thank goodness tax season is almost over though. Can you say "test of your new eating habits?"!!!
So, I've been reading posts here for awhile and have a question for the ladies. About a month ago I had my first normal period in a long time and it wasn't until about a week after that I put 2 and 2 together to come up with 4. I was STARVING just before and during that time...and was starting to panic that I was a surgery failure! Seriously, I was bummed. But then after a few days passed, I started getting the full feeling back and lost some of the appetite...whew! I did some looking and found other women mention that during that time of the month, hunger was something to deal with. Anybody else experience this? Just wondering...I always like to know I'm not alone in these things...
Anyhow, glad to hear that most of you are doing very well. My thoughts and prayers remain with you all.
Take care,
RNY 9-10-04
106 pounds gone!!!
Topic: RE: Lurker - updated pics
Hi Kelley!
Welcome back out of Lurkdom! You've been missed! You look so great! 125 lbs down is amazing! I looked at your pictures and you were really gorgeous before and the weight loss is just making you even prettier. WHere the heck did you get married? Your pictures are so beautiful! I always wanted to get married on the beach but it didn't work out for us, but hey the marriage is good so I can't complain!
Thanks for your well wishes for my latest health stuff, I'm sure it will all be fine. I will hold you to your promise to post more and lurk less!

Topic: Thank you
I just wanted to thank all you guys *****sponded about my discussion with my surgeon the other day. You guys are so great and isn't it amazing what friendship can develop through this amazing form of communication! I have great friends and family, but no one would understand the "skin" thing like you guys do. At first I thought that other than tummy tuck I wouldn't want to have more "elective" surgery. I never did this to try to look like a Barbie doll, but I have to say as my weight is dropping even more, I am not thrilled with what I see. In fact, it is bad. I knew the stomach and thighs would be bad, but the bat wings are kind of a shock! So I think I'm going to go ahead with the plastics (several months from now at the soonest.) The question becomes what I think it was Karen Essa and I were discussing recently on this board... should I use my gastric bypass surgeon for the plastics (he says he's done a ton of 'em and showed me his photo album) or do I go to a plastic surgeon? My husband asked how the pictures looked in the album... well of course they look great! Would you put your pictures of your crappy tummy tucks in the album???? I think my doc is smarter than that!
As far as my thyroid goes, I'm going to follow up with my pcp and not worry too much about it. This type of thing sort of runs in my family and none of the others have been cancerous, so while of course I will follow up with it, I'm not going to make myself crazy. Anyways, I just wanted to tell you guys that you are the best! My hubby is out of town for work and it just did my heart good to come home and check the site and see all of the encouragement you guys sent my way.
Love ya all!

Topic: Lurker - forgot to put pic link
Sorry, forgot link.
Topic: Lurker - updated pics
Sorry, I have been lurking like a madwoman. I have been peeking in when I can. What is strange is that I usually have so much to say. Anyway, Sue, hope things go well with your thyroid. Sounds a bit crazy. I don't envy you, but I'm sure you will do great. You have a wonderfull spirit.
I did finally put some pix on picturetrail. If you want to check them out, please do. I'm pretty proud of myself. The hard work is really showing.
Hope you are all well. I will try to post more and lurk less.
Great work by everyone!!!!