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Topic: My poor aching back!
My poor back is just KILLING me!!!!
I am having trouble sleeping b/c of back pain and spasms. I am trying a new "body girdle" to see if it helps. It's my lower back, and oh it just hurts.
Anyone else??? Anything works?
Topic: RE: Just an update!
What a great update!
You are doing GREAT! I can't wait to see an updated pic girlfriend!

Topic: RE: YES--ANOTHER one of those HAIR LOSS questions!
My hair started falling out around the 3 1/2 month mark and lasted for a good month and a half. I told my surgeon I was taking Biotin but didn't see much improvement. He suggested I start taking Flax Seed Oil and within a week or so of using it, it just all but stopped! I get it at Wal-Mart and take two 1200 mg. soft gel caps a day (not together though). I take one in the morning and the second one in the afternoon. He said the Omega oils are what helps. You could always check with your doctor to make sure he/she says it is ok, but that's what I did and it made a wonderful difference!
Good luck!
Topic: Just an update!
Well, I hit the 7 month mark on the 8th and all is well. I saw my surgeon too and he said that all my blook looks good, put me on the B12 shot, and asked me to take more Calcium. I have lost 77 pounds to date and feel good, but am often tired and dizzy. Doc says to chart the dizziness as he thinks it's a form of dumping. ..could be true b/c I ate some greasy food and then the dizzines**** about 20 minutes later. Also, tiredness could be because of low calories, but he still doesn't want me eating more that 1000 a day for the rest of my life. When the dust settles I am going to check that with a nutritionist. Doc wants me to drink water b/c he thinks I could possibly be passing small gall-stones that my pcp thinks are UTI infections. We'll see as time goes on. Loose skin is a b****, but I am going to give it time. It's mostly my legs and tummy that bother me, but believe me when I say I AM HAPPY with the RESULTS otherwise!! Most definitely!
Thanks for listening y'all. I'll try to get a new pic on here soon!!

Topic: RE: OMG BABIES!!!!!!!
Oh yes!! They are growing in for me too. I knew they would. I have insanely thick hair--even with the loss. I will have to start putting product on mine to tame them. Congrats!
Topic: RE: OMG BABIES!!!!!!!
oh yeah and my stylist says my crown is noticably thicker!!! YES the hair is coming back!!!
Topic: Hey lapbanders!
I love reading everyones posts here, but I don't see many bandsters posting here and I'm wondering how we all compare
So how is everyone doing???

Topic: RE: OMG BABIES!!!!!!!
You definately got me. I thought you were gonna say TWINS! lol
I haven't noticed and baby hairs yet, but I have noticed a big differance in the loss, thank goodness. I think that halo is more than hairs though, on you anyway. I know you've been an angel to me.
Topic: OMG BABIES!!!!!!!
haha did I get you guys?
I am talking about baby hairs sticking out about 2 inches on top my head. I guess I am having regrowth of the hair because I have a bunch of baby hairs sticking up making a halo around my head. Anyone else noticing their hair coming back in from the great hair loss phase?

Topic: RE: Tennis Anyone?!
What the heck! You enjoy your new identity! You've worked hard for it so enjoy it!! congratulations to you!!! Whoohoooo...