Denied Membership/NOT Obese!
A group of women at work decided to start a weight loss group. Each week it will cost $2.00 to weigh in and if you gain weight it will cost you an additional $1.00. I thought I too would get on the bandwagon and really focus on losing the 10 lbs I gained plus to lose an additional 5 lbs to get me to MY final goal. Then on the last day of school the person who lost the most weight would win the $$$$ pot. Well, get this--I was told I COULD NOT JOIN BECAUSE I DON'T NEED TO LOSE MORE WEIGHT! The first time in my life I was denied something because I am now at a "normal" weight. This annoyed me a bit while also feeling totally flattered, so I explained that I am no longer in the honeymoon period and that now I have to continue to work and fight just like everyone else to lose every single pound. I even explained that I am NOT in this for the $$$ but rather want to do this for me and for the incentive of doing this with the rest of my coworkers. The committee (my friends at work) felt that if I want to lose weight I too should be able to join just like the rest of them. The only rule they established was that if anyone was definately going to HAVE WLS they could not join for the $$$ aspect until AFTER the honeymoon phase of post op, because it would not be fair to everyone else. The first official weigh in begins on Monday and continues on till the end of June. Maybe now I will finally be able to get rid of those craving demons for good!
Wish me luck!