Hi September buds!!!!
Oh my goodness it's been way too long since I've hung out with you all! I hope everyone is well! I am doing pretty good, can't complain! I lost about 90 lbs or so, and have gained about 7 lbs over the last four months... so I am refocusing my efforts. I would love to drop another 15 pounds, and I think some day I will do it! I know I DO NOT want to gain another ounce, so I am reining things in now before it's too late. Even though my gain is a bit alarming, I guess I'm not panicking because I really haven't been watching it at all, so considering that, things aren't too bad! I have had an extremely emotional and stressful seven months... but feel that I am entering a new phase in my life now. I have gone back to work, and I love it! I would love to have my tummy tuck, but I don't think it's going to happen any time soon. Maybe in a few months I can start pursuing that. I don't know. I have to rededicate to my vitamins, calcium and iron also, as I am still dealing with anemia. How are you all doing on your vitamins?? I hope you all stay on track with getting the nutrition we need to get! I have also heard it aids in weight loss if you are not deficient, don't know how true that is. The exercise has also suffered during these last few months, and I MISS IT!! So, that's my update! I miss hanging out here as well! I will make more of an effort to check in from now on. Feel free to email and discuss staying dedicated to our new lifestyles, etc! God bless!

Oh my gosh, where have you been hiding?!! I have missed you--our board leader!!
I think we have all gained a few pounds..I know I did over the holiodays, but after refocusing my exercise and getting back on fitday.com the pounds are flying back off. It really ha**** me hard recently that I am addicted to food, and I have triggers. This is going to be a life-long process that I have to stay dedicated to in order to make it work. How is your fam? What are you doing for work? Many Blessings!
-Katie S.

I have missed you too! My family is well, thank you so much for asking! How about you what have you been up to? My job is a desk job, which I like, but I am afraid of the "secretarial spread" i.e. widening of my rear! I take orders and do customer service for a beauty supply distributor, I'm in the corporate office. It's pretty fun, and is a great fit for me, since I still have kept up my cosmetology license all these years, and also have a customer service background. Tell me what's new with you, I want to get caught up with everyone~

Hey Sue!!!
It's been awile since I've been on too. Like you, I have had a crazy couple of months. I have 6 months left of nursing school and I feel more and more swamped everyday. I made goal about 6 months ago (170 lbs) and I had a tummy tuck and breast reduction! It's great seeing people that I haven't seen in awhile because they are completely amazed! I hope everything is going well with you. How's the fam?
Hi Jenelle! I was so happy to see you post! Congrats on getting to goal and doing the tummy tuck and breast reduction! I envy you that you are done with that! I am sure you look incredible! You have always been pretty anyway
Everything is pretty good with me, I really cant complain. I fear the tummy tuck a bit,and wonder should I do my arms and legs also or leave it all alone. Right now, my job is too new, so I cant take time off anyway, but I will have to deal with this some time in the near future. Maybe I can pick your brain about it all and you can tell me what I need to know.. that would be awesome! Take care, stay in touch even with your crazy schedule. NURSING SCHOOL! that is so great! I'm proud of you!
Love, Sue

Sue Boo!! Been missing you!!! I've wondered where you've been and how you were. GREAT to hear from you.
I've not gained any weight but I am still just "creeping" down. My doctor put me on ephedra to help "speed things up". I can't say that I think it is really working, but I do have LOTS of energy. Just CANNOT motivate myself to exercise like I know that I should. Yes, I walk up and down stairs every chance I get and walk more places during work than ever before, but that is still not enough!! I only have 25 lbs. to reach my goal and I am soooooo determined to get there. But, I won't do it by not exercising and eating too much chocolate which I still do!!! I am "trying" to deal with some of the emotional issues involved with eating, but I cannot afford a real "counselor", so I am just reading books. Maybe I will get some insight. I do NOT want to go back to the way I was before. I LOVE my newfound freedom!!! Soooooo glad to hear from you. Hugs, Pam
Missed you a bunch and wondered how you've been! Sorry I've been a bad friend and not been on here at all for so long. Congrats that your weight still creeps DOWN! Are you still playing tennis? I believe you absolutely will reach your goal eventually, just going the slow way, which is just fine! How is your family? HOw's everythng else? I hear you on the emotional eating... esp. sweets, and grazing... danger zones for me.
We can do this though! Take care, hope to hear from you very soon!
Love, SUe

Missed you. Keep up the good work and things will be back to losing again. I had a bowel obstruction which released it's self without surgery. This all happen last weekend.Between the Ct scan. Endoscopy and Small bowel barrium studies I realized we are really different inside and must remember to be careful and stay on the plan. When I saw my pouch it was tiny--4sips of the barrium and it was full. I had been drinking with my meals and did not realize how little it held. Please take care of yourselfs.
It is not unheardof to have problems similar to mine when you have lost a great deal of weight. Remember you organs also get smaller and bowel twist and pinches can happen. This surgery was permanent. My weight has not gone up but I exercise regularly. I'm scheduled for lower body PS in one month. Self pay. Any one with advise please email me. I'm scared especially since the problems last weekend. The obstruction came on with vomiting and extreme abd pain that did not let up. You did not have to wonder if something had happen to you. It was painful for several hours. If anyone wants to know more email..I'm not a good writer So this may not be clear. Dollie-girl