I Did IT.....
After several months i broke down.... i really was stressin over just the idea of it... then i realize that if i didnt have the stuff removed that later down the road it would even be harder to deal with... so i closed my eyes and went.....
To the HAIR SALON.....They couldnt save hardly any of it... i had more then 13 different lenghs in my hair... and i was soooooo balding bc of new hair growing... so it took me 16 months to break down and cut it all off..... Good news is that now it will grow better and it will actully grow normal.. and not leave me lookin like a really bad person was startin beauty school....LOL
OHHHHH yeah ... my new hair pics are in my website.... then look under New hair Do 2006.... please be kind... i cried all the way home the other day thinkin Superman would hate it... bc it was short....
I think your hair looks great. I've had long hair for the longest time. After having the surgery my hair started falling out. It got horribly bad and I looked extremely bald. I finally broke down about 5 or 6 months ago and asked my mom's hairdresser to give me a shorter hair cut. She took a lot off. I was nervous at first but the way she cut it made the balding on the top go away. Because my bangs were so long it weighed my hair down exposing the baldness. By cutting it she gave the bangs bounce which are naturally curly to begin with. I didn't look so bald anymore. Recently I even added highlights. I have never dyed my hair so it was a huge step for me. I bet your husband loved it.
Keep up the great work...