hernia and plastic surgery
Has anyone out there had hernia repair and a tummy tuck or pannilectomy done at the same time? I have an abdominal hernia. I went to the doc last week at Univ. Hospital and he said they don't recommend doing both at the same time because of risk of infection. I have a fairly large hernia and they are going to repair it laproscopically (that is if I decide to have it done). Because of that, he said a tummy tuck would have to be done separately. But I figure they got me out good, my inners cleaned out and so why not go ahead and do both at the same time? Am I crazy? Plus if I do both, I think I need to wait until I lose all the weight I want. Anyway, appreciate any other comments on what or how you all handled it.
I have had two c-sections and another abdominal hernia repair in addition to open rny. They are telling me I probably have adhesions and so then the possibility of bowel damage when they're pushing the bowel through the hole in my inner lining is greater. It's not really hurting me right now so I'm just not sure if I should have it or not.
I've lost 140 lbs and the last two months I've not lost a thing. I'm still wanting to lose another 100 lbs so having ps right now is probably not a good option. Any advise?
Teresa -
I'm 12 days post-op from mega hernia repair (ventral), extended abdominoplasty with muscle tightening and breast reduction/lift. I had my lap RNY on 9/20/04 and was basically at goal when I had my reconstructive surgery and hernia repair. I had a previous C-section and my recent surgery was done along that line so no "new" incision was needed.
I assume there is some urgency to repairing your hernia? If so, I would do the hernia now and wait for the TT. I don't personally see the point in doing a TT if you're not at goal. Then maybe you'll want to combine your TT with breast lift or arms or thighs? But at least you'll have your hernia out of the way.
Good luck with the rest of your weight loss, this is a tough time of year but you know you can do it! You've lost alot so far, congratulations! Love, Sandy

Actually, they're telling me there is no urgency with the hernia repair. It is my choice. They're saying it could become strangulated and then it would be emergency but at this point, it is up to me. I'm concerned because of having 3, 4 counting WLS, abdominal surgeries and all the adhesions, etc. I don't know if hernia surgeries have the same incidence of bowel nicks, etc., that gastric bypass does or not.
I will wait until after my colonoscopy on Dec.21 to make a decision. He said I could just elect not to have the hernia repair. He said there are people who walk around with hernias all their lives. It only becomes a problem if the bowel becomes caught somehow and gets kinked off.
So, for now I'm waiting.
THanks for your input.
Good morning. I have a huge hernia also and want a tummy tuck. They will do both of mine the same time. However, I will have 2 separate surgeons in the operating room!!! I have had 3 c-sections, 2 kidney surgeries and an open gallbladder. I refused to have 2 more surgeries - one is bad enough. So, that is what is going on with me. I will give you updates. I am just waiting for some insurance issues. Good luck. J.
Hi J-
I had 2 surgeons also! My RNY doctor, Barry Greene, did my hernia repair, and my PS, Michael Vincent, did the extended abdominoplasty and breast reduction lift (no implants). I'm 5 weeks post op as of yesterday. Still some swelling but my tummy is so flat and I LOVE my perky and adorable 34C boobs, WOO-HOO!
I would love to have a butt lift, thighs and arms, not to mention my neck/chin, but I probably am done! I'm not planning a second career as a Victoria Secret model after all, LOL! Sandy