What's Santa bringing you for Christmas?
I guess my wish is a little different. My daughter is pregnant with #3. She had a rough labor with the first 2 and hemoraged with the 2nd one. The doctor has said that the hemoraging could have been partially due to Myranda not being born sooner. She was right at due date. So...this one is due Feb, 8th but my daughter looks like she's about 9 months now. Provided that it wouldn't hurt little RJ (it's a boy), if it would prevent my daughter from hemoraging again, I would like to see that little one enter this world a little bit early. Preferably early enough so that they can be home for Christmas.
ps...Since I'm Santa's personal assistant (ask my kids, they'll confirm this..lol), on Black Friday, I took the liberty of helping Santa out and got me some clothes and a photo printer. Just trying to make his job easier!