I had mine out about 3 months ago. I have to tell you that the gas pains I had after surgery were very bad. They lasted almost a week, dying down a bit each day. It worked though cause I am not having the pain I was having prior to getting it out. I guess for you it would just depend on how much pain the stones are causing you. If it weren't for that darn gas pain I probably would have been fine. I didn't get those pains after my gastric bypass surgery so I wasn't prepared.
I wish you the best.

I had mine out about 3 months ago. I have to tell you that the gas pains I had after surgery were very bad. They lasted almost a week, dying down a bit each day. It worked though cause I am not having the pain I was having prior to getting it out. I guess for you it would just depend on how much pain the stones are causing you. If it weren't for that darn gas pain I probably would have been fine. I didn't get those pains after my gastric bypass surgery so I wasn't prepared.
I wish you the best.