Survey Says?
So far since surgery, I have not cheated by eating any candy, cake or desserts. I am praying that I have the strength to resist. I have eaten 1/2 of a biscuit and felt so guilty. I have lots of candy bars ready to give out to the trick or treaters. They look so good but I will resist.
Lynn J., lap RNY 9/29/04 -150 lbs
I had one of those chocolate candy's wrapped to look like gold coins. I honestly never eat candy but was hungry tonight and ate it, then paid for it as I got sick to my stomach and felt like **** for the rest of the night. So that is my only candy from now on out cause it isn't worth the pain. I am not ashamed because it is something I never do and I paid for it so I know I got what I deserved. I know we are only human and if this had been the past me I would have nibbled on her candy or whose ever candy I was eating, all night long.

I had (minis):
2 Reeses Peanut Butter Cups
2 Hershey's Kisses with almonds
1 Almond Joy
1 Mounds
2 Tootsie Roll Midgies
1 Sugar Free Coconut Bar
1 Sugar Free Turtle
Yes, I feel HORRIBLE emotionally, but not physically. It would help me soooooo much if I dumped, but I don't, so I just have to learn how to control the cravings!!! I am not buying ANY MORE candy, no matter how "innocent" (i.e. sugar free) it seems. That is something that I have difficulty avoiding and I just need to not have ANY available!!! Dr. Phil says "if you don't have it on hand, you cannot eat it" I need to heed his advice!!!
ok minis:
2 snickers
2 granola bars
1 reese's pack
1 cupcake
thank god i wasn't the only one. next year i am only buying hard candy b/c that's what i did last year (b/c i don't like hard candy) and i didn't eat it at all. you know what dr. phil says about having a no-fail environment. i feel better to know i wasn't the only one. y'all keep strong!!