Lightweights and TT Surgery
Hi Everyone
Have any of you WLS Lightweights been able to get your TT surgery covered through your insurance? Since we went into this surgery just by the skin of our "scales" and most likely most of you like me, do not present with unusual body rashes etc. what are OUR chances of insurance covering this surgery to remove "OUR" unwanted extra tummy flab? I desperately want a flatter tummy since I do have hanging stomach flab but was told that it will probably NOT be covered by insurance because I do not have any sores, rashes etc. I am insured through Empire Gov't/ NYSHIP. Any feedback on this one?
Thanks a bunch!

I was considered a lightweight and although I have hanging skin, it's nothing like some have, so I've decided that a good pair of Spanx is going to be FAR easier, effective, cheaper and less painful than a lower body lift, which would be the procedure I'd have.
It would be so nice to have my rear end ON my rear end, instead of down the back of my thighs, where it currently is, but I did this to myself and with the help of Spanx, I'll pull it up, somehow!!!
I haven't heard of many people getting PS covered, and I would think we lightweights wouldn't have much hope.
I wish you luck, though!!