Would You Believe I Think I D.U.M.P.E.D.?
I purposly ate too many M & M's because lately I have not been getting ANY symptoms to scare me....and now I feel like I could die.
Right now I am sitting here shaking, sweating, feeling like I am drunk/lightheaded, heart pounding, stomach pains along with a green BM. I am hoping that I did indeed dump because then I know that YES I DO DUMP ON SUGAR! This just may be the incentive I need to keep me away from cheating and giving into my cravings. Right now the only thing I am craving is ice water. It began with stomach pains along with constant yawning and a need to go to bed. Then when I had to get up I thought if I took a shower I would feel better but instead the hot shower raised my body temperature.
Thanks for your help on this one. I am awaiting the results.

This is a bitter/sweet moment. I also dump on sugar but it has to be a certain amount. One extra bite and I'm in trouble big time. It is now the sixth so I'm sure you feel better now. When I feel the need for sweets I get the little fun size like you give out for halloween and just have one. Even though dumping is awful its good to know you did it right?