PS just called
Yippers and you know it helps not to call him names before he explaines... LOL k so i asked him why he didnt submit for the boob lift and arm lift and all that he said bc theres no rashes and ur insurance will not cover it if there are no signs of rashes.... but i told him that my inner thigh has rashes and they are documented with photoes... so hes gonna submit for those.... so onto the boobs... i said the lift is medically needed and he said how... so i explained well he said normally i do not do these with a belt lipectomy but beings my practiced has goofed and if i can handle the pain he said i will do those at the same time... and the implants that you want too... SO I AM GETTIN PERKY BOOBIES FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My parents sooooo rock they are payin for the implants... they said that since they offered to pay for my sisters lasik eye surgery that that couldnt be my 1 yr anniversary so i said how about implants and they aggreed... i am soooo thilled...
but then so will SUPERMAN when he discovers that i am commin out with a boob job as well at the LBL..... i am sooooo sneaky ..... 

Wow, I am very happy for you. Sounds like your getting things done. What a great gift your parent's are giving you. They gave you life and are now helping to contribute to the "new you". You have to make sure you get plenty of before and after's. Is all this taking place on the same day like in 2 weeks????? I wish you all the best and I will be thinking about you. I konw it will be painful but I have a friend who had plastic's after surgery and she said it wasn't all that horrible. Perky boob's, What's that?????? LOL

I keep racking my brain trying to figure how to get insurance to pay for the arm job. My underarm has moved down my arm and every time I try to shave, I end up nicking my arm. But that's about the only thing so far that I could tell someone and I don't think that's worth the thousands it would cost for the arms. So what did you tell him was the medical necessity for the boob job?