My One Year Update!
Yesterday was the one-year anniversary of my surgery. I also saw
my surgeon yesterday for my one-year check-up. What an amazing year
it's been! I can barely remember the person that I was a year ago.
She was at a standstill watching others live their lives, a
spectator in a manner of speaking. The new me races through each
day at breakneck speed with abundant enthusiasm and joy.
Right now I weigh 138 pounds, having lost 130 pounds from my pre-
surgery weight of 268. My labs are all in the normal range and I
feel fantastic. I thank God every day for giving me the strength
and guidance to choose this surgery. It has changed my life in
countless ways.
I want to go on record and say that I owe my success to the fact
that I FOLLOWED MY DOCTOR'S INSTRUCTIONS! It's as simple as that!
I followed the 70/30 diet and avoided bread, rice, pasta, potatoes,
beans, and fruit. I drank lots of water, took all my vitamins, and
exercised! That's it! Guess what? It works! I am living proof.
Now, I'm not going to tell you that I never cheated . . . of course
I did, I'm human! But it was seldom and always for something very
worthwhile, LOL! I have become very picky about what I put in my
mouth because I AM WORTH IT!
I also want to thank each and every one of you who has inspired and
encouraged me on this message board. Your role in my personal journey has helped me immeasurably!
My next big challenge is my hernia repair/extended abdominoplasty/breast reduction-lift on November 22. Please keep me in your prayers. XO, Sandy