Hi Sept People,
Just came from a one year dr's visit. I'm 230 down from 370.
They never said no, but the general reaction was that 150
(a BMI in the normal range) was a pipe dream. "Some people do it,
but it's VERY HARD".
Talk about sticking a pin in my ballon
It's just hard to let go of ever being anything but obese. (sigh)
When I mentioned breaking 200 they were just as Well maybe"....
Anyway, just really needed to vent.

First of all... CONGRATULATIONS!
You have ALOT to be proud of....
As long as you stay on the straight and narrow and not let the carbs get you.. I don't see why you can't go below 200.... People do it here all the time... Don't let ANYONE get in the way of your goals.. just keep pressing on. The good fairy isn't going to poof you back to 370, this TOOL is for LIFE! Just keep truckin' on and be proud of yourself for all that you HAVE and WILL accomplish in the future!
Good luck and God Bless,

Hi Ruth,
Don't be bummed out! I started out at 368, had my surgery the same day as yours, and am at 208 now. I had my 1 year post-op appt and asked my dr if my goal of 150 by 18 months post-op is realistic, and he said that it is. We still have 6 months of the so-called "honeymoon period" to really lose, and we just have to make the most of those months. Your dr's staff seems to be a little "glass is half empty" to me. So stay positive, and you'll get where you want to be!
Congrats on your fantastic weight loss so far!
You've done wonderful!

Cheer up! You have done great. Think about the adult you had been carrying around that you lost - 150 lbs! That is wonderful. I'm not sure why your Dr was not more encouraging but, you can do it!!!!! Keep drinking your water, eating your protein, and getting exercise and you will get there.

Dearest Ruth,
I just want to join the "chorus" in singing Praises for what you have already accomplished and urging you to "keep on keeping on". I truly believe that you can reach your goal of 150. That is NOT unrealistic for bypass patients. In fact, I'd probably "have" to do it just so I could go back to my doctor and "rub his nose in it"!! LOL (I can be very beligerant)