***Warning...LONG....1YR WLS Anniversary Reflections

Dea J.
on 9/15/05 7:33 am - Huntsville, AL
Hey Sept WLS Buddies, Today is my one year WLS anniversary.... 9-15-05 - As I reflect back on this past year I find myself getting extremely mushy and teary eyed. I'm so thankful to God for opening the door and allowing me this adventure to re-invent and re-discover Dea - thankful for my wonderful surgeon Dr. Facundus, my new tool that I must use wisely and so very, very thankful for the loving support of my family and friends. So many accomplishments........ -107 lbs - HALLELUJAH!!!! Yeah - Yeah I gained 4lbs this month but they are soon to be gone! Off diabetic and blood pressure meds!!!!! YEAH!!!! Down 8 dress sizes Comfortably able to use a seat belt Moving the car seat up to where my feet actually reach the pedals without monster BELLY in the way Not having to ask for help to tie my own shoes Being able to walk further than across the room without getting out of breath and sweating like a pig Being able to Hike with my teenagers Being able to cross my legs! Being able to sit in a booth - not requesting a table so I could push back the chairs Being able to wear cute matching bras and panties - bye bye grannie drawers Feeling comfortable in my saggy skin Feeling healthier and happier than I have in years Sharing clothes with my teenage daughter Wearing cute and stylish clothes And on, and on, and on, and on.....but ya know what it's the little things that mean so much For all you guys - pre-op - post-op - researchers YOU can do it! I found this and thought it was too good not to share TO ACHIEVE YOUR DREAMS REMEMBER YOUR A B C'S A VOID NEGATIVE SOURCES, PEOPLE, PLACES, THINGS AND HABITS. B ELIEVE IN YOURSELF C ONSIDER THINGS FROM EVERY ANGLE. D ON'T GIVE UP AND DON'T GIVE IN. E NJOY LIFE TODAY, YESTERDAY IS GONE, TOMORROW MAY NEVER COME. F AMILY AND FRIENDS ARE HIDDEN TREASURES, SEEK THEM AND ENJOY THEIR RICHES. G IVE MORE THAN YOU PLANNED TO. H ANG ON TO YOUR DREAMS. I GNORE THOSE WHO TRY TO DISCOURAGE YOU. J UST DO IT. K EEP TRYING NO MATTER HOW HARD IT SEEMS, IT WILL GET EASIER. L OVE YOURSELF FIRST AND MOST. M AKE IT HAPPEN. N EVER LIE, CHEAT OR STEAL, ALWAYS STRIKE A FAIR DEAL. O PEN YOUR EYES AND SEE THINGS AS THEY REALLY ARE. P RACTICE MAKES PERFECT. Q UITTERS NEVER WIN AND WINNERS NEVER QUIT. R EAD, STUDY AND LEARN ABOUT EVERYTHING IMPORTANT IN YOUR LIFE. S TOP PROCRASTINATING. T AKE CONTROL OF YOUR OWN DESTINY. U NDERSTAND YOURSELF IN ORDER TO BETTER UNDERSTAND OTHER. V ISUALIZE IT. W ANT IT MORE THAN ANYTHING. X CELLERATE YOUR EFFORTS. Y OU ARE UNIQUE OF ALL GOD'S CREATIONS, NOTHING CAN REPLACE YOU. Z ERO IN ON YOUR TARGET AND GO FOR IT! ! ! ! ! - hugs - dea
on 9/15/05 10:28 am - Riverside, RI
Happy Anniversary... It looks like your enjoying the new you and I know how it feels so I totally feel your happiness. Thanks for those ABC's. I've never come across that before. Keep up the great work..... Shannon
Dea J.
on 9/15/05 3:21 pm - Huntsville, AL
Shannon, Thanks - It has been an amazing year has it not? - hugs - dea
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