ONe year and one day post op!!!! and Never felt better
Just wanted to post and thank everyone for their support!! I'm one year and One day post op. I weighed in at 292 on my 5'3" frame and currently weigh in at 152. I've lost 10 dress sizes, and just completed my first mini tri-athalon. I feel terrific, no more blood pressure meds and I run 4 miles a day at least 3 times a week.
My husband and family are so proud, I'M PROUD!!!
This was the best thing I've ever done for myself!!
If you are considering and not sure, I can attest to the wonderful opportunity!! I still struggle daily with my diet, but I understand what I need to do, and never want to go back to being the weigh (LOL) I was.
God bless all of you.
Karen -
I'm so happy for you! You are such a success story and an inspiration to others, thanks for sharing the GREAT news!
I'll be one year post op in 4 more days on 9/20. I'm closing in on a 130 pound loss. What a year it's been!
I wanted to ask you about your sprint triathlon. I'll be having reconstructive surgery in a few months, breast reduction/lift and abdominoplasty as well as gigantic hernia repair and I think I'll be able to begin training perhaps by mid-January. Can you share how you trained? What were your distances? I'm looking for the shortest swim, preferably in a pool! Any advice would be welcomed. I'm looking for a sprint triathlon in Spring 2006. Thanks and congrats again! XO, Sandy