Lost Four Pounds This Week
Are you still losing? If you're still losing then I wouldn't be concerned. You can increase your water and protein intake(if your pouch will let you), and exercise is always a good thing.
The posts you're reading here are of people who are close to a year out and are suffering from stalls (no weight loss at all for more than a month or two), and/or just plain ole backsliding.
We're trying to get back on the weight loss track. You sound like you're still chugging along!
You're doing great, hon! Just keep up the good work!

Hi Grace
It's official!
THE SCALE HAS FINALLY BEGUN TO MOVE AGAIN! According to the scale this morning I am happy to report that I am now -5 lbs. Wahoooooooo!
Now if I can just do another 10 lbs. I will have reached MY goal. Now that I know I CAN do it if I put my mind to it and use fit day everyday I will not have a problem (I hope). Anyway, congrats to you too on your success this week. I am looking forward to posting again next week, and hopefully it will be another 5 lbs. What day are we going to make our official weigh in day????
Big Thank yous!
265/155=Dr.'s Goal/150 Current/140 My Final Goal (?)

Gret job!! Post your secrets for the rest of us you have done great. Besides my coffee I am going total protein. I go for my one year check up Oct. 7 so that gives me two more weeks past my year mark to make my official weigh in. Is that cheating? I hope not cause I need the extra two weeks.
Yeah for Marianne
Sounds like a scrumptious breakfast. As much as I love breakfast foods, I still cant eat them till later in the day so breakfast for me is lunch. I do drink loads of water and a dutch chocolate protein shake with fatfree milk, a banana and a tsp of lowcarb peanut butter from 6-9am each day. I find when I stop losing for weeks that I need to eat more! I exercise 4 times weekly. I am scared though about having to miss the exercise for 4-6 weeks after my upcoming abdomnioplasty. ULGH! I am one year postop tomorrow. YEAH!
312/165now/170was goal
**still need a new pic, is that me?????