Lost Four Pounds This Week
I guess everyone is pretty busy, because I've been visiting, but there haven't been any posts.
Anyway, I've been good this week, and I'm looking forward to tomorrow morning. I'm planning on having a nice bowl of strawberries (3 or 4), with 1/2 shredded wheat broken up over 1/2 cup of plain yogurt.
Congrats on the 4 lbs.
I guess that 4-5 lbs will probably wind up being the average weight loss. So far as of this morning I have lost 5 lbs. When are we supposed to weigh ourselves officially? Is it tomorrow? Now I am just hoping that by my anniversary I can lose another 5-10 lbs. It was a nice surprise to see that the scale has begun to move again. My scale has NOT moved since June 1. The scale is probably in shock too!

Hello again Grace
I must admit I TOO weighed myself yesterday, and the day before, and the day before that. You see, I weigh myself pretty much everyday (I know some may think this is not a good idea) because this is how I keep myself from gaining. I find that before one pound becomes a gain of 5 I keep on top of things and know that if it looks like I gained a pound or two then I must have either not drank enough water, had too much in the way of salt, or I just may have eaten something that may have been a little heavier on my pouch than I should have had--not that it's bad for me, but sometimes foods can react on individuals differently. Anyway, I hope that tomorrow will continue to be an exciting one. You know, I think we should make this a weekly weigh in on this thread...what do you say??

Hi Tina,
I just get waaay down to the basics. I have fallen off the wagon, but fortunately, when I see I've slipped, I can start all over again. Here's my day:
Breakfast - Coffee, 30 minutes later, protein drink, vitamins, water
lunch - Turkey, 2 slices of swiss cheese, spinach leaves, rolled up with a splattering of mustard; water.
Snack - protein drink, vitamins, 30 minutes later, a crunch bar, water
Dinner - Whateveer I'm feeling like, but making sure the skin is off, it's not cooked in butter, etc (no rice for me, though. Still makes me sick)
Snack - crunch bar
Bedtime - Protein drink, vitamins, crunch bar, water
That's it!