stuck in one place
Hey everyone,
I haven't posted in a little while, but I just need to vent. I have lost 210 lbs from my highest weight, and I feel real great about it, but I have fallen back into bad habits and I haven't lost any weight since the summer began. I am stuck and can't get rid of my last 30 lbs. I still have trouble eating real meats, but I have no trouble eating all the junk food (I don't dump, never have since day 1). When I do eat I am hungry again in 1 hour. I know I should get back to the gym more and stop eating junk food, but it is once again very hard. I have not gained anymore weight but have just been the same all summer. If anyone has any suggestions or ideas please let me know.
455/410/245(for awhile now)/???
David -
Don't be so hard on yourself! You have lost a TREMENDOUS amount of weight in the past year and your body probably needs a bit of time to stabilize anyway!
Having said that . . . I think most of us September folks have had moments (days . . . weeks . . . months? yikes!) of overconfidence. We have had so much success and we look so damn hot (LOL!) that we begin to eat like a "normal" person and those poor choices and poor habits start to creep back into our daily lives.
The fact of the matter is, our maintenance eating mode after reaching goal may appear to all the world to be "normal," but it will never be truly normal again. If only for the fact that I know I will have to maintain constant VIGILANCE. Bouncing back, or regain, is a slippery slope! It's so easy for that extra 5 little pounds to turn into 10, then 15, and before you know it you've regained 50 or more pounds. I read about that all the time on these boards. And then of course it's harder to lose because you've lost the maximum benefit of the surgery from the first 12-18 months.
I can totally relate to what you're saying. I have had such an extremely wonderful summer! But since mid-June I've only lost about 8 pounds and that's probably only because I've been biking and swimming like crazy. Now that summer's all but over and the kids are back in school and like is returning to normal, I've gone into high gear with my commitment to MYSELF.
I've gone back to my "roots" so to speak . . . For the last week and at least for the next few weeks I'm sticking to liquid protein all day and one small meal for dinner, last night it was just 3 oz. of grilled chicken and some grilled peppers. And lots of liquid protein. I ordered some IDS samples from and they're pretty good. I got in a rut with my EAS AdvantEdge fruity protein. Last week I dropped 5 pounds and most importantly I'm losing those cravings that have been getting me in trouble!
A bunch of us on this board are doing this. It feels cleansing in a way. So David, think about what worked for you in the months right after surgery and what habits led to your tremendous success. Maybe consider implementing those habits again for as long as it takes to get yourself back on the losing track?
I know you can do it, you're so close! Check back in and let us know how you're doing! XO, Sandy