Hey everyone. I had my su...
Hey everyone. I had my surgery on 9/22/04 and I weighed 335 when I had it. I was as high as 340 at one time. I now weigh 183. Thats 152 lbs loss from the 335 and 157 from the 340 I weighed at one point. I have had ZERO complications and I am off my bllod pressure medicine and off of tricor. I am taking only a little bit of insulin now, and my sugar is always normal when I check it.
Life is so much better. I can out walk my kids at six flags and the mall and I barely sweat anymore. The heat doesn't bother me at all anymore. I can actually fit into any ride I want to ride at six flags. Well I have to admit I have to make an effort to tread water now when I in the pool. I use to float and didnt even have to move my arms and legs to stay afloat. I dont know if thats because I now have less fat and maybe fat floats or because I have less surface area to make me float. Either way, I could care less, I am so happy to be small.
And, most people who havent seen me do not even recognize me. That is AWESOME.
This is the best thing I have ever done for my self. When I have the skin removed I will be where I want to be, right at 168-170.
Thanks for the prayers and support.
Greg Johnson
Wow, what a great weight loss. LOL about the being in water. It is funny cause I find I don't float as well as I did prior to loosing the weight. I bet it is great being able to get on any ride with your kids. Not sweating is the greatest though. I would be so soaked from sweating I looked like I just got out of the shower. Now if I sweat at all no one even notices.
Best of luck to you in the future. Keep up the great work.