Happy Anniversary to me!!!
Today is my 1 year anniversary. I still can't believe it's been a year. Alot has changed for me. I started out at 363 pounds and now teeter between 172-174. I wanted to be 170 today but I am not sweating it. I am close and if it wasn't for this surgery I'd probably be well over 400 pounds by now. I was always an emmotional eater. Since my surgery i've lost 3 very close family members and I know for sure i'd have eaten myself into oblivion if I hadn't had this surgery.
I have good days and bad days still. I can't eat most things but I still try. My only issues are vitamin deficencies which the doctors are working on trying to get level. As well as having had my gal bladder out last month. Seeing that there could have been some pretty major things that could have gone wrong I count my blessings and am thankful for each day.
I wish you all the best and Happy Anniversary to all my September 3rd buddies as well as everyone else celebrating this month.