11 month post op pics
Well I just took my 11 month post op pics last night and I can kind of tell the difference since having my tummy tuck. I have more of a defined waist line compared to my last pics. I am still very much swollen and have fluid but I just thought I would share these pics with everyone. I feel awesome with my new body. Just click on the WLS album to view. Thanks guys!

OMG Deb you are sooo beautiful! You must turn alot of heads when you see people who know you. You look like an entirely different person. How is it that you were lucky enough to have the TT at only 11 months post op? I was told to wait until 18 months before even doing anything. Were you able to get you insurance to cover it and what documetation did you have to do if any? I so want a TT, but the Dr. does not think I will have any success with the insurance because I am not displaying any sores etc.
Keep up the great work!

Ah well I had a breast reduction / Lift when I was only 7 months post op in April. INsurance paid for almost all of that. But the tummy tuck they wanted 3 months of documented rash history from a doc. I didn't want to wait and go through all of that so I paid $5300.00 for the tummy tuck out of pocket. I figured if I wanted it bad enough, I would find a way. And I did. The skin made me feel fat. As if I hadn't lost so much. I was still shy in my own body. Hiding even from my mate. So it needed to go for sure. Check out plastic surgeon offices. Alot offer in home finance programs. It is a great thing

Wow Deb you look absolutely wonderful, and you must feel wonderful too congratulations on your success you have come so far. Keep up the good work. I'm hoping to have a brest lift also that is the one thing that really bothers me I have a little skin on my stomach but not much I'm not going to have a TT until after I have children. Well congratulations again and enjoy your beautiful new life. Take care!!
Love Elizabeth