NORMAL she said!
Today I had my WL checkup at the surgeons office. I was told that I do not need to lose anymore weight! I told my WL PA that I would still like to lose about 10 lbs. She said if I am determined to still lose 10 pounds to make sure it is no more than 10! Wow, I can't believe I reached the Dr.'s goal in only 11 months. I told her that when I look in the mirror I still see my old fat self. She said that this is perfectly normal for the first couple of years. So, in closing I am proud to say that I am finally, 'NORMAL".
Have not been in this classification since HS & College.

Congrats! How awsome is that? "Normal" in 11 months when in the past if you were anything like me 11 months would mean maybe losing 20 lbs and gaining another 30. I still feel this entire wl process is very bizarre. But, at the same time, I am very grateful for the process.
I would love to know what your weight loss has been. Where you started and where you have ended up. How are your eating habits 11 months in? What about activity?
Take Care,
Thanks for your Congrats Ladies! Although I have reached my Dr.'s goal I feel as though I still have a way to go to my own goal. I even explained at my Dr. visit that I still see and think of myself as being the "F" word-->F.A.T.! I know this will take time to think in another frame of mind, but until reality sets in and I see myself as normal I have to listen to my Dr. and not fall below another 10 pounds of trying to lose weight. Does this make any sence????
Wow Marianne,
That is wonderful news you have done such a great job wtg. I can't wait to go for my 1 year anniversary on Sept. 13 I'm really looking foward to seeing the surgeon and the whole staff. It's hard to believe it has been a year time really flew by. Well I'll let everyone know how my check-up goes take care and keep smiling your look great.
Love, Elizabeth