Scared and confused
K so i really need help i am scared .. TOMARROW is a big day for me.I am gettin on a plane to go see my parents... which i should be REALLY HAPPY about bc they havent seen me since last summer.... but i am scared of what they will think... the last time i seen them i was 350 lbs and i really looked bad and now i am 205 lbs... Are they gonna be happy are they gonna freak are they ... i have no clue and now i cant seem to find anything for me to wear... and i am tryin to pack and its like i have never met these people in my life... i mean the last time i was 205 was when i was in 5th grade.... and now i dont know... i talk to them all the time and they know that i am down 205 but i am soooo scared to get off the plane... I almost have this feeling that they are not gonna like the new me... bc my daddys big and my momma too and here i am tryin to be the healthy one in the family.. and i dont want them to reject me for it. I never thought that i would be this way ... i mean dang. This is worse then the night before surgery. i am already shaky... and full of tears... someone anyone help me calm down... I just talked to my sister and she said that they cant wait to meet the new me.... but what happens if they dont like the new me... i have always tried to be what they want and if they dont like this how am i gonna take it... K i am ramblin right now....
I'm sure they want nothing but a healthy life for you and to see how much energy you now have, any parent would be the happiest person in the world. My dad was scheduled to have surgery 4 month's after me and at that point i was already down over 100 lbs and he actually went under the knife before the surgeon decided it was too dangerous and wouldn't do it, which really bummed him out, but one of the things that he said to me was at least if only one of us could have it done at least it was you. Which really showed how much a parent just wants what is best for their children. Relax it'll all be fine.
Well they will be shocked, elated, excited, a little nervous because it is a new you, ,maybe not mind but definently body. I really think they will take your cue's and go with it as you want them to. What I mean is, when people don't know how to act they usually look to the person they are nervous around for cue's on how to act. Unless your family is mean and unsupportive which I am sure they aren't then you have nothing to worry about. These are the people who gave you life and I am sure all they've ever wanted for you is your health and happiness which they will surely see when they look into your eyes. Best of luck to you and don't worry, they're gonna love you.