Being in the hosp...
k so i was in the hospital for the last 4 days bc i had a Ulcer around the stoma... the pain that i had in my tummy wasnt a hernia... and although it wasnt my fault that i was there or the fault of WLS i learned something... i really neeed to explain first.... i am 9 months out and i have been askin myself since i was 6 months out ...AHHHH HAVE I STRECHED MY POUCH???? and you know what i havent... the bariatric doc put me on a stage 2 diet... which my meal consisted of
-- 4oz milk
strained soup
decafe tea or coffee
SF jello
-- 8oz protein shake
and a hot plate that had either 1oz tuna or cottage cheese
that all i had and i had to split that into my meal and my snack in btwn.... Now lookin at the tray the first time i laughed bc i was used to eatin real meals... So in other words that was my whole meal prior to goin into the hosp.... But i found out that i would split it all up and i was really full to be honest... so i came to the conclusion that i had been over eating... Since i am home i am stickin to the meal plan 6 meals a day and no snacks and i will tell ya i WAS SOOOO USED TO THOSE SNACKS... the first 2 days about killed me... but i soon found out that hey this hosp thing isnt bad it really took me back to reality.... on how to eat... now i am not sayin to go to the hosp and be admited...
but if you are thinkin this cut out all snacks and go back and you will see that ur otay.... that all that snackin durin the day is headhunger... yeah i could had done without the blown veins or them givvin me shots every 4 hrs but man it was like they taught me without sayin U CANT HAVE THAT... and we all know that we hate that. welp off to pack for my flight to NC
~138 lbs.