AHA moments ... twice in one day!!!
Hey guys... I had the coolest things happen to me on Friday night. A group of co-workers were getting together at a local sports bar Friday night. As I was getting ready to leave one co-worker pointed someone out and asked if it was an old co-worker of ours. Sure enough... it was him. I knew him for about 8 years but I haven't seen him for about a year and he didn't know I had surgery. So I tell my friend that I'm going to say hi before we go to the next place. I walk up and it is just him and another guy. I said "Hello Paul". He looked at me like he wished he knew me and his friend was staring at me too. I said "You have no idea who I am do you". I laughed and he admitted no. So I said "Close your eyes and listen to my voice". As soon as he did that he knew who I was and FLIPPED OUT!!!! Now he is not big on social graces and tried many times to compliment me but it kind of came out like this - "You have improved alot " We talked for a few minutes and two girls came up that were with them on a double date. They were giving me the evil eye (which I love because that means they think I'm a threat) and Paul introduced me and I said hello.
I left shortly after that. So we get to the next bar to listen to a band and during the break went upstairs with my friend. I recognized the DJ as someone who used to flirt shamelessly with me in high school. I went to say hello and he recognized me instantly!!!
This is the coolest thing ever because someone I saw about a year ago didn't recognize me but someone I haven't seen for about 17 years did! Isn't that great!!!! I didn't have to go through the whole... how I lost weight thing... just how have you been. It was AWESOME!!!
Just thought I would share!
Laura RNY 9/7/04

HA HA! I'm really not interested in either of them. Just thought it was cool!
I REALLY thought it was cool running into the guy from high school *****cognized me instantly. Especially since he was hot in high school (still is too!). Tonight I went to Friday's for soup (I can't chew with braces killing me this week) and a few guys were making eyes. I was a little uncomfortable. It is hard getting used to being in this skin (literally) these days! Thanks Shannon for the "Sexy Mama" comment...