Finally Warm!
Has this happened to anyone else? I spent all winter shivering in extra sweaters and flannel PJs with extra blankets, I couldn't seem to get warm. Now the hot weather ha**** big time. It's been in the mid-90's every day and the heat index today will be 105 and I am LOVING IT! During my fat summers I sweat like a you know what and never felt comfortable. Now I am walking around cool as a cucumber feeling fresh while everyone else is dripping. How weird is that? Is this permanent or will it stop when my weight stabilizes?
XO, Sandy (268/158/136)

I can totally relate. This winter it was almost impossible for me to stay warm. This past week and so far this week it has been in the 90's. I am loving it. I never liked the heat. I would sweat my a$$ off but now I am just hot, not so sweaty that I feel like I am going to pass out.
I think it's normal. Cause most of the thin people i've been around in my lifetime never sweat like I did. And some even wear pants in this weather. I always figured it was cause they were thin and the heat didn't effect them like it did me. Either way, it is nice not to sweat so bad that I looked like I just got out of the shower.