I Never Thought I Would Say This....
Okay I feel ashamed to say this since I hear so many of you are plateuing but I am honestly getting to the point that I am scared to lose to much weight. Lately so many of my friends and family have been telling me that I need to stop losing weight (like I can help it since I eat all the time to maintain my blood sugar) and they are telling me that I am starting to look anorexic. I did not realize how small I was getting until I went shopping for pants that would actually fit me the other day and I started with a size 9 which I thought would be a safe bet and ended up having to buy a size 3 in pants and M in shirts. I started my journey last September at 233 lbs and I am now down to 116. I am honestly getting scared. Am I the only one feeling this way? I guess I did not ever think it would bother me to be called "skinny" again but when people tell me I look anorexic I think that hurts as bad as being called "fat". I am really concerned about this since every month I am still losing 8-10 lbs. Any suggestions or thoughts would be much appreciated.

Call your doctor. That is my only suggestion. My surgeon talks about this at the start of our meetings and the only advice I can offer is to call your surgeon and tell him/her about your concerns. You started off at what would be concidered a "lightweight" by most standards. What should your weight be for your height and age???? For instance by all calculations I should get down to 154. My surgeon told me last week that he thinks if I got to that weight I would look like a skeleton. I weigh 184 right now. I want to get down to 170. I am in a 10/12 pants, shorts and a large sometimes medium in shirts. If I did get down to 154 who knows what size i'd be in. I mean that is 30 pounds and 30 pounds means something now.
Being called skinny doesn't bother me cause I don't believe anyone anyway so I just dismiss it when I hear it.

Thanks for the advice...Yes I may have been considered a "lighweight" by some people's standards but not considering I am barely 5'2" tall...That was a lot of weight to carry on a small body. I have no idea what weight I should be at...I know that before my surgery my doctor had told me that his goal for me would be 150. And being called skinny does not necessarily bother me as bad as being called "anorexic looking" just when I start to feel good about myself and people start making it sound like I look "sick".
If you are worried about it definately call the doctor. Just as an fyi, I get the same comments. I am called skinny and constantly people say you are not trying to lose anymore are you? It really bugs me. I exercise 6 days a week at the gym. I eat as much as I can. I eat the right things, take all my meds and still do protein drinks twice a day. I have slowed down but still am losing 2 lbs or so a week. I have lost 150 lbs and 82% of my excess bodyfat.(Did you know that you are considered a medical success if you lose 70% excess bodyfat in one year?) My doc is not worried(just was there Monday) My nutritionist is not worried. She is proud of me. So just remember, you are not the only one to go thru this! Anyway I am sure you are a success also! PS I need to update my picture. I have lost 25 lbs since posting this one!