What has made you happiest?
Hi all. Here we are 9 months out and I hope you all are doing well. I was sitting and thinking today of all the little things about my weight lose that have been so much fun. I wanted to share some of these with you guys who know where I am coming from and I would LOVE to hear some of yours.
Here goes
Wearing thongs
Wearing a bikini
Walking up stairs and breathing regular at the top
Fitting in public seating
Not being recognized by people I havent seen in months
My husband wrapping his arms all the way around me
My husband picking me up
Crossing my legs
Reaching my toe nails to paint them
Shrinking out of plus size
Getting below that 200 mark at the doctors office scales
Jumping on the trampoline
Not having to worry about "weight limits"
Reaching my hands behind me to unbutton my bra
Fitting into Victorias Secret panties and bras
Getting double looks when walking in the mall
Flexability during sex
Please share yours with me.. I would love to hear about it!
- 110

1. being able to fit in bath tub with out splashing all the water out of tub.
2. Having husband plenty room to sit with me on couch.
3. Not being recognized by people at work who has not seen me in a while
4. weighing less than my husband and my two sisters
5. being able to get in and out of bathroom with out crawling out.
6. sex life definately better!
7. my husband can pick me up and I don't get scared now.
8. having more energy to complete exercises all the way through in Taekwondo.
9.being able to run.
10. being able to shop in young misses and not plus size.
There are a lot more but I can't think of it right now!

-I am happy:
To Weigh less than my husband
To not feel like I am too heavy for him to pick up and swing around
To take walks that last forever
That I had to adjust the gears on my bike to harder than they were before
That I can run
That I am proud of myself
That I feel skinny in my bathing suit
That God has given me this gift!! Amen!!
For the friends I have made through this site!
5'7 251-160.5-Happy Where I Am!!

Having a former pastor do a double take when he didn't recognize me when I was at the store and then hearing him say, "Wow, do you look great. You've lost a ton of weight."
Fitting in a theater seat and not worrying about bothering the person next to me.
Room between me and the steering wheel.
Being able to go up and down stairs without too much trouble (still have knee problems. Surgery hasn't really solved my arthritis problem.)
Being able to park away from the door at Wal mart, walk to the door and do shopping and not be sweating like a hog when it's over.
being able to do regular housework.
Having people stop me and say, "You're looking so good. What are you doing?" Watching their confused expression when I say, "Just not eating much."
Knowing I'm in control of my eating and that food does not control me.
Even though I have another 100 lbs to lose, knowing that the 118 I've lost is gone for good!!!!
Hi Kimie and everyone
I am so happy to get dressed each day and wear cute things and my clothes look good on me! Usually I wear the first thing I put on because it looks fine! What a change from my old life!
My blood sugar readings being normal.
Enjoying exercise for the first time since I was a kid.
Seeing my family proud of me and happy for me.
Not walking around embarassed and ashamed of myself all the time.
Being able to make better food choices than I ever have.
I feel so blessed and have to thank God for this surgery!
Having this site to come to and find my kindred spirits makes me happy!
Have a great day everyone!