9 Months out...
And feeling great... i am now down 132 lbs i am weighin in at 216 lbs i am wearin a size 13/14 shorts and a 16/18 shirt bc all the flab is right in the center... i can keep up with my daughter and hubby and thats the greatest thing right now. My hair is still fallin out and its pretty thin but i aint cuttin it... i am goin to the USMC Ball in nove and i refuse to have short hair. I have past up my personal goal.. at 238 lbs... and if i continue to lose then fine and if i dont thats k too... all i really ever wanted was to be healthy and to keep up with my little one and i am.
~132 lbs
Congradulations on 9 months out. I almost there. I will be 9 months out on Sept 22. I have lost ( 18 preop) and 99 after surgery, which is total of 117lbs loss. I can't remember ever weighing that amount except right of high school. I am not having much hair loss now but energy level is low but gettting better. I have to remember protein and getting fluids in. I have 12 pounds I would like to lose but I am satisfied with the loss I have accomplished. We have 5 children to keep up with so I am so glad for this surgery.

oh wow you look really good ... dont worry about my size for some odd unknown reason i hide the flab really well.. i always have been ... but trust me i dont wear those 13/14 outside the home bc the rolls on my thights stick out... which is really gross...lol i think the one of the good parts is i can sit back and joke with SUPERMAN about all the flab and pull on it and all and still laugh... Gee dont tell the shrink she might think i am unstable... lol welp anyway take care and by the way ur little one is adorable.

Sounds like your doing pretty good. Keeping up with my 2.5 year old is probably one of the best things in the world. I can't believe how much she does and how much she is always on the go. I thank my doctor daily when I am able to run like the wind to keep up with her. Your weight loss is going great. I know what you mean about the rolls, I have a lot of skin at the top of my thigh's and I really can't wait until the day I can get that and the skin on my upper arms removed. I need it taken off my tummy and would like a boob job but those 2 things can wait until we are entirely through with having kids.
Any who, keep up the great work. I am sure you look wonderful.......