Update for the curious friends out there
Well, I'm done with chemo and the doctor who does radiation does not want me. Why? - because of my age and that it was Stage 1 mostly. Still, I have the double mastectomy and reconstruction to look forward to sometime this year. Yea. (monotone)
So get this... now, when I'm not going to have any more chemo.. now! I start to lose my eyebrows and lashes! Total bummer! They are so sparse - it's really weird. Oh and when I take off my sock (that's what I call my head cover thing) there are little hairs all over the inside from the top of my head. I have no clue if all of it will go before it grows back or if some will stay stuck in my head. It's just really weird, although strangely I'm getting use to it.
Back to the oncologist - he was happy his part was over, but said he'd miss me 'cause I make him laugh too easily. I went in one day with my t-shirt that reads: "I have chemo brain, what's your excuse?" He was calling co-workers over, "come see what my patient is wearing!" He loved it.
As for the surgeries: I went to see 3 plastic surgeons. Dr. K - never dealt with bariactrics before and would only do implants. Plus he told me they wouldn't be great, but they'd be better than nothing. Oh, that's a confidence booster, ain't it! Then Dr. S - he's done bariactrics and would do the tummy tuck but only after I'd stabilized my weight. Then Dr. P - he's also done bariatrics before, but he doesn't think 20 pounds is going to make that much difference in the belly since it's the hips and thighs that need to lose it. Plus he's looking at my skin and rolls says, "oh, we'll get ride of these stretch marks here and smooth out the side rolls and flatten this out here.." You get the idea. I can't do the arms at the same time though. Come to find out the mastectomies + reconstruction totals around 12 hours of surgery! So, no time to do the arms, but I can go back later for that.
I've had a few friends tell me once I'm done I won't want to get pregnant cause my tummy will be so small.
So, get this.. I checked out adoption and surrogacy - not cause of the tummy tuck, but cause of everything all together it just seems maybe I'm not meant to create a family the natural way... so anyways.. adoption $15,000-40,000 and surrogacy upwards of $55,000! WOW!
Other than that - I'm back to work as of Tuesday. It's crazy and I wish I could be home relaxing.. oh well - another day another report due.

Hi Christina! I think of you often. Glad to hear you are done with the chemo therapy. We just upped by weekly chemo drug treatment by 30%. I feel terrible today.
I think that surgeon's attitude (they won't be great) was terrible. He should at least try to be positive!
I love the shirt! I want one that says "I live in a Fibro Fog"
I bet your doc did like your shirt. It shows what a great sense of humor you have.
And that's so important for getting through times like this. ((( HUGS )))
You might check into foster care. Many times, you can adopt that way. Just be SPECIFIC and TOUGH about the types of children you want to foster. You can be age specific and "types of abuse" specific.
Just know that I think of you often. Sending lots of well wishes your way ((( HUGS )))

You sound so good. I am so glad to hear the chemo is over. I'm glad you posted b/c I was really wondering how you were doing. A friend of mine's mom had a PS after her DM where they took the tummy fat and put it under the breast tissue. They actually looked nice. My mom-in-law had the same thing and her breasts are awesome. You'll know you have the right doc when you feel it in your gut!!
Also, I have a friend that is fostering for the first time right now a baby girl and it has worked out really well so far. The plan on adoping her in a few months time. They couldn't afford to adopt, so fostering has worked for them.
I wish you all the best..continued wls surgery success and life-long remission. You are in my prayers!!

I'm so glad you're doing so well
As far as your plastics, definitely go with the most experienced and most confident docs. I don't want someone who's pessimistic about the results from the get go! Regarding adoption, I'll second what the others have said about fostering. I actually have two friends who are in the process of adopting babies they received very soon after entering the foster parenting program. It is definitely worth considering as one option. I'm sure you have others as well. Talk to you soon!