About Ready to Give Up
So, after a plateau that lasted almost a whole month, I start dropping weight, then guess what? I break my right foot! I'm sitting here in a moon boot (up to my knee), and I'll be wearing it for the next eight weeks.
This cuts down on the exercising I can do, not to mention I can't drive anywhere on my own. I'm also reviewing my eating habits again, since I don't want to eat more than my body will burn, right? I'm eating the heavier meals in the morning, and drinking shakes in the evening (of course I eat a Power Crunch bar for a snack).
Just venting.
Thanks Sue,
I'm going to take this time to catch up on reading, which is something I rarely get to do anymore. I have a week of training to go to the last week of July, so reading now will prepare me for that week. Shedding a positive light on this will help alot, but it's hard. The not driving part is the worse, especially since we just bought a second car the week before! A pretty burgundy Malibu, that rides like a dream.
I'm going by memory now, since my husband is now driving it mostly

Yeah, I have a couple barbells that I'm using right now, and I have that stomach cruncher machine. You know, the one that sits on the floor and you lie down it? You pull yourself up on it. Maybe I can get the tummy and the arms tightened during this time.
I'm really looking forward to seeing how my right leg looks after the eight weeks. I'm sure the firmness of my left leg will really be great, but the right one....

Yeah, I have a couple barbells that I'm using right now, and I have that stomach cruncher machine. You know, the one that sits on the floor and you lie down it? You pull yourself up on it. Maybe I can get the tummy and the arms tightened during this time.
I'm really looking forward to seeing how my right leg looks after the eight weeks. I'm sure the firmness of my left leg will really be great, but the right one....

Oh Grace!!! You poor dear!!!! One thing that you have to remember though... is imagine how much more difficult this broken foot would have been to live with LAST year at this time, before losing a ton of weight! You're in such a better state of health - it will heal better, there isn't as much weight that will be bearing on it etc....
I'll be thinking of you, honey. Keep your head and spirits up. Katie