What a difference a year makes
Last year this time, I had not even started to contempalte what would become the largest most serious decision of my life......having WLS. But also last year this time I didn't have the energy that I now possess. Between yesterday and today I started and completed a vegetable garden. It was a great work-out and I didn't get winded or anything... what a feeling. I have to admit that I was not alone in the adventure, my son and hubby helped, and even they had to admit that last year this time none of us could have doen this. You see everyone in my home has become healthier since my WLS, hubby and the children are in Tae Kwon Do and doing very well.Hubby and my son have also lost weight. It's great doing all of this as a family.

NO KIDDIN this time last yr i was lucky if i got dressed.... fully... i mean sometimes i would be in my nightgown for 2-3 days straight... and today i trimed all the bushes that took me 3 hrs and i raked it all up and really made the yard b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l and then i went out back and played and chased my little one around.... it was great. And hubby is really likin it bc now he dont have to pick up the slack from me. lol
~132 lbs
I was thinking about this also the other day. I can hardly believe how much different my life is. It feels like a dream come true. I read this interesting article about the changes that this surgery is creating for people, and how their are so few forms of true wish fulfillment in this world, and this is one of them... akin to winning the lottery or getting an NBA contract! Getting dressed has become a pleasure instead of a nightmare. I wake up and think about all the things I will get done if I have the time, instead of if I have the energy. My daughter stole a top from MY closet today! Incredible what has changed in such a short time. I'm happy for your family as well, Dawn and EVERYONE!

Same here...I have to agree with what each of you say...I did good to get dresses and if i did made little difference what it was...TODAY a whole new ball game...I love getting dressed and going out in the yard to do things...I am 51.....but the energy and how I feel..yeap I feel like I won the lottery....love wearing dresses again...
I have to "chime in" on this. I can wear Pantyhose without having to "order them" from LaneBryant or Sear Woman's catalog. I am wearing dresses again and loving it!! I also am actually enjoying taking the stairs instead of the elevator and parking in a distant parking space and walking to the store!!! I cannot believe how much energy I have now!! Hallelujah!!!