Bored with cooking
I need ideas. It's getting harder and harder to figure out what to make for dinner or have for lunch at work. We tend to eat out just because then I don't have to cook and we can just split an appitizer. There are so many times I find myself staring a the Tuna Helpers wishing I could just do that so I wouldn't have to think of a meal to create. I like easy, simple meals. I'm just bored with the same things. I even have bariatric cook books, but most of the stuff is too complicated or too many ingredients to be simple.
What are some of the quick and easy meals you like?
on 6/5/05 9:59 am - Dauphin, PA
on 6/5/05 9:59 am - Dauphin, PA
I'm bored with cooking also, but have been in this mode for about 9 months (hubby had surgery in August 2004, and I followed in Septebmer 2004). Since then, I've hardly cooked. I am also fortunate that my children are older and, in fact, only one lives with me yet. She's independent (19) and does her own thing most of the time, so I don't ever have to worry about her for dinner.
My hubby and I shop together and buy things that are high in protein and can easily be made in a toaster oven. One of our favorites is scallops wrapped in bacon. We also eat chili a lot (as do others, I'm sure). We know all the spots with the good chili, and we also make it at home. We also keep lots of cheese and lean lunch meat in the house. And don't forget the shrimp and crab.
The next time you're at the grocery store, really browse those ready-made items. You can find great sources of protein out there in things you never imagined.
Hi Tina! How're you feelin' sweetie?
Lunches for me are something easy, usually chunks of meat (turkey, salami, low-sugar ham and cheese), sometimes a Lean Cuisine. Occasionally when I'm too lazy to pack a lunch I'll buy 2 oven roasted wings in our cafeteria with a small salad.
You're in Florida and it's so hot so the less cooking you do the better you'll feel, right? How about nice salads? Keep bags of those ready to eat salads in the house and just throw in some other veggies, tomatoes, cukes, yellow and red peppers etc. and some protein like tuna or canned salmon or you could grill up a bunch of chicken breasts and then freeze them individually. I've been doing lots of salads and trying to have a variety. One night last week I did a greek salad with spinach, feta cheese, and cukes, red onion, etc. So good and quick/easy!
Another easy dinner that we have often is omelettes! I cook whatever random veggies I happen to have in the fridge in a little olive oil first before I add the eggs and some cheese at the end. My whole family enjoys breakfast for dinner for a change and it's packed with protein and also quick/easy! Good luck, hope this helps! Hugs, Sandy (268/158/136)

Hi Tina!
Do you own a crockpot? I LOVE to cook in my crockpot. Easy clean-up and no heating up an oven. I like to cook all types of meat because they cook up so tender and it's easy on my pouch. I do whole chickens with an onion inside and lots of seasoning or chicken breast with a jar of salsa for fajitas, just shred up the chicken when it's done and serve with low carb tortillas and whatever you like on your fajitas. You can also use left over chicken for chicken salad, soups, or add mustard and eat plain (one of my favorites!)
I especially like to do roast with a can of stewed or diced tomatoes, and mushrooms. I use the left over to make a tomato beef soup with rice, tomato sauce, water, and whatever vegetables I want. I also do alot of the traditional pot roast with carrots and potatoes. Or you can do pork chops, roast or steak just seasoned or shredded with a bit of bbq sauce or whatever marinade you like. I also like to do spaghetti sauce, I use the no sugar added Hunts spaghetti sauce in the big can and add diced tomatoes, hamburger, and seasoning. If I have left over sauce I turn it into pasta e fagioli soup like at olive garden by adding more hamburger, water, carrot, pasta, red and white beans, and more tomao sauce if it needs it. I love to experiment with all types of soups usually using the meat left over from the last crockpot dinner. We also make lots of chili, navy bean soup with ham, calico beans w/ hamburger, etc.
I couldn't live without my crockpot and the list of meals could go on forever. The best benefit for me is that the crockpot makes the meat so tender and I've never had any problem eating any meat I've ever cooked in it. Another benefit is that I throw it all in the crockpot in the morning and by evening it's done and ready to serve.
Good luck!

Wow, I am really impressed with the ideas you got back to your post! I am going to copy several of them! I have to admit I don't cook complicated meals most of the time either. I like to grill meat outside, and have that on the weekends, or make extra to eat during the week. Carne Asada meat, mexican style marinated thin steaks are my favorite. Out here in California you buy it pre-marinated and just throw it on the grill. I also like the light laughing cow cheese spread on Ak Mak crackers or light toast for lunch with half an apple. If you like tuna or are craving it, you can always mix some with a tiny bit of light mayo and some chopped celery and spread it open face on light toast (sara lee deliteful) and even melt a piece of kraft free american cheese on it for an open face tuna melt. I do the same thing with an over-medium egg on a piece of the light toast and a piece of kraft free cheese melted over the top. A sandwich and a pickle are one of my favorite lunches. or a cup of soup with a few bites of sandwich. yum. Also low carb lean cuisine type stuff, usually meat and veggie ones. Looking forward to hearing even more ideas. Hope you're feeling good Tina