Slacking on protein
I was slacking a lot and when I thought about it, it was because I was tired of the protein I was using. I went today to GNC and bought the Isopure protein in glass bottles that I drank when I first came home from the hospital. Not the best tasting but I know that when it's good and cold, I can tolerate it much better than all the milky, thick ones. I know that my weight loss has stalled and that I need to get my act together again and that is my first step! I slacked on everything the week before my wedding and the whole time I was on my honeymoon. I can definitely tell by the way my body feels now and I could kick myself!
Hi Shannon,
I just had to write and let you know that I buy my protein from a guy on E-Bay. It is fresh, and delicious, and only costs about $32.00 for a 5 lb. cannister which lasts a LONG time for me. I use one scoop per day. The Tropical Banana is my favorite. I use powdered milk, and sometimes I add strawberries or some other fruit, but mostly I add cocoa to it. I also add one packet of Equal and that helps the taste immensely for me. I will send you the website if you want me to. Just let me know!! Hugs, Pam
I've also been slacking on protein drinks, not sure why either because I love my drinks. I drink the EAS AdvantEdge "fruity" drinks mixed with crystal light lemonade or diet iced tea or even the Carb Countdown orange or grapefruit juice. It's yummy. I've been having one in the afternoon maybe 4 times a week but I want to get back to every day. I feel better when I have them and they fill me up. I can't stand the milk based protein drinks, haven't been able to tolerate them since before surgery.
By the way, I get my drinks at Target in a four pack for about $5.79. My favorite flavor is the Orange Citrus Splash. HUGS, Sandy

Yep, me too! I have just been so busy this past month (stupid excuse for not drinking my protein drinks though...) that I was slacking off. Well, I happened to have another post-op visit recently and had to do some follow-up blood work. The doctor got the results back and immediately called me to let me know my protein level was down. He said it was not horribly low, but just didn't want it to get any lower. I asked him how long it takes for it to make a difference in the blood. He said at least a couple weeks. So, I'm back to trying to make sure I get in three Isopure drinks a day. I drink the Isopure (premixed glass bottles) as someone else mentioned, too. I don't drink them straight though. I only like the Alpine Punch and the Icy Orange, five ounces of each in a glass which equates to 20 grams of protein, then add an additional 5-6 ounces of SF Cherry Koolaid. The tartness in the cherry seems to squash some of that funky protein taste for me. I've been trying to get in at least three of those a day, then whatever else I eat in food so hopefully I end up with around 80 grams of protein a day. By mixing those two flavors, then adding that little bit of SF cherry koolaid, it's more like a punch tasting drink to me. I cannot do ANYTHING milky as far as protein drinks go. They always feel like a concrete block in my stomach!
My weight loss has stalled right now so I know I need to get back on the ol'
and get my rear in gear! I don't think you're the only one having a hard time getting the protein down.
Have a great day!
Jill P.

I love the GNC liquid protein. 3 T equals 18 grams of protein. It is a punch flavor. I put it in 24 oz of Crystal Light pink lemonade. I do at least 6 T at a time. It really just tastes like CL, not much different and no protein taste or smell. It's the best. If you buy at least 6 bottles, they give you a 10% volume discount and if you have the GNC card you get another 20% discount. Well worth it if you ask me. It's the only thing I can tolerate. I drink it first thing when I get up. Sometimes I'll have a banana for breakfast but it's pretty much my morning meal. If I don't have it, I notice I get really hungry real fast. My protein levels have always been great.
The protein is not for the weight loss. Your body requires a certain amount of protein to operate on any given day. If you do not eat enough, it will pull it from muscles, any muscle, e.i. your heart. This is why protein levels are stressed by the surgeon. Poor protein intake can lead to heart complications. Also the less muscle mass you have, the slower the weight loss.
My father died of heart disease, so when speaking to the surgeon and the nutritionist who visited me in the hospital, my mother made sure to ask the effects of the new diet on my heart(she is a nurse). She had already mention this side effect to me. My surgeon said the same thing when talking about protein, yes it helps with weight loss but it is really about keeping your organs healthy.
I hope this motivates you to get back on the protein train. By the way I do not drink shakes, as I eat enough protein in my diet.(Cottage cheese, tuna, fish, soy beans, steak and nuts.) My first blood test at the six month mark gave me a clean bill of health.
Good Luck