Thank you all for the support!
Thank you so much! This board is my lifeline sometimes. It's been a rough week. The mental challenge has been getting to me more than anything. So many of you have transitioned into "normal" eating and may be losing a little slower but I have to think you'll be better off when you finally reach your goals. I may have to talk to my surgeon about that. I wonder if I will ever reach the point where food is no longer an "issue?" Do you know what I mean?
Well, I am in so much of a better place than I was a year ago at this time and instead of beating myself up when I have a lapse I'm trying to focus on celebrating my victories. [Note to self: new mantra: FORGET PERFECTION, EMBRACE PROGRESS!!!] And I have definitely taken my impulse to nurture others and turned it inward. I can now put myself at or near the top of my list and not feel guilty about taking great care of me!
Thank you for all the love and support you have sent my way! Hugs, Sandy (268/158/136)