Repost: GAS!! #2
I posted last week about the problem with my tummy hurting. Laxatives & suppositories didn't help. Went to ER saturday night. Had x-rays. Found nothing. Was told to do a Fleet's enima once aday for 3 days in a row..
Pain eased off sunday night, came back monday. Getting worse.. pouch feels like it's on fire. Went to PCP this morning. Did some kind breath test on me to detect if there is bacteria, if so that would mean an ulcer. And blood work. Nothing again!!! Told me to call my surgeon. I did.
Nurse said to come in and be seen in the morning, possible scope. Could have gastritis or ulcer cause if the ulcer is IN the pouch that breath test won't detect it.
Fun Fun Fun
Laura, I read your post and was freaking. I will be so glad when I find out what is wrong. I mean hopefully nothing is wrong, but this pain has to be coming from somewhere. Something has to be causing it, cause this pain ISN'T in my head
And I will post after I get back from the surgeon's office today. Thanks for caring and taking the time to post.

is it actual gas or feels like it...could it be your gall bladder? I have had this worse pain i call it an attack the pain is so intense...i have had endo, upper GI explority surgery nothing was found there, now he is treating me for spastic intenstines..though i have yet to have it happen again...I now have meds that will help should this indeed be the issue...
it feels like gas........anyway.......
went to surgeon this am.........I have a packed colon.....possible ulcer in pouch........instructions were to take 1 Zantac daily (perscription), come home drink phospho soda today, every 4 days take milk of magnesium....go back to surgeon in 3 wks for check up.