The great swimsuit search!
Well, the pools open Saturday and since we are all pool rats in my family, I knew the day would inevitably come when I had to actually go to the mall and go through that whole demoralizing swimsuit search!
Of course it was less demoralizing this year than in previous years BUT still i have a whole set of new issues! My boobs are just ridiculous. And so few suits provide ANY kind of support. Based on my shopping I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that 80 percent of women are what . . . like an A cup? And don't even get me started about my thighs and upper arms, I'm sure I will frighten little children!
So, I ended up with a "MiracleSuit." HAH! It's a miracle that they can find a dummy like me to pay so much money for something in which they look so BAD! But I wasn't shopping for the suit that looked the best, OH NO, I was shopping for the suit that looked the least awful! Know what I mean? The MiracleSuit slogan is "look 10 pounds lighter in 10 seconds!" Another lie from the industry (probably all men). You'd have to be a contortionist to get this swimsuit on in 10 seconds!
Well, enough of that! Mission accomplished. I'm looking at the bright side. At least this year I won't cause a tidal wave when I jump in the pool! Hope everyone has a safe and wonderful weekend!
Hugs, Sandy (268/159/136)

Girls! I got a great suit at a great price at Target. See the link below. I bought the tankini top in navy, and the skirted bottom. The top is flatterig and supportive and the skirt covers the inner thigh issue pretty well. It's now been marked down to $10.50 a piece!!!!! Even though you bought a suit already, you may want to get yourself this one as a back up. I love mine. The skirt has the built in panty by the way, so it's not just a skirt you wear over a seperate bottom. I bought a miracle suit last year for around $100. It is sitting in my drawer. I think i'll give it to my mom. Happy shopping and swimming!
Sue - Well, the bottom is cute NOTWITHSTANDING the fact that I'm seeing alot of belly/belly button in the display photo. Would it be unacceptable to wear it with suspenders???? (LOL!) Is there underwire in the top? Underwire and spandex are my new best friends!
Maybe I'll stop at Tarjay on my way home today, although I think I still have a residual case of PTSD (post traumatic stress syndrome) from my swimsuit experience the other day. But I may have to make this sacrifice in my never ending quest for cutting edge fashion, haha!
Love, Sandy

HECK no belly button showing on me! The top meets up with the skirt. Fear not! i don't think there is an underwire in the top, but there is support. The back comes up high enough to help out. There is another suit at Target that is almost the same by Isaac Mizrahi in black but the back is cut lower and the cups had far less support which left my sadly shrunken girls a little too free and not enough coverage for my baggy armpit skin
Normally I would prefer black. By the way, if your store doesn't have the size or color you need, i noticed they still have the olive color in most sizes top and bottom, but are sold out of the navy online. The olive was pretty also. Try it, I'll bet you'll like it. Good luck on your quest!
Love, Sue

OK, so I guess I will be brave later this week.
I took my 8 month pictures in a TWO PIECE that I bought at EVERYTHING BU****ER (AWESOME STORE BTW). I will go ahead and post the pictures in the next few days when my schedule simmers down, but I have been chicken so far because it is a swimsuit picture. So anyway, I took the picture on my 8 month day and I have to tell you I was shocked that I didn't look completely obscene in it.
I was originally going to find a slimsuit to suck it all in but my fiance talked me into trying on other suits. I tried on the two piece as a joke with my fiance and when I left the store we had purchased it and the sales lady told me "No more one pieces for you! You look fabulous!" Granted we had told her I had lost all this weight from RNY and she was probably being extra nice but it was still surprising to hear.
The bathing suit is flattering with a skirt bottom because it hides most of my flabby thighs and the top of the skirt comes right to my belly button (this is frightening for me too!) but it has an amazing slimming effect. The top is like an underwired bra and is OK but I wi**** looked like my Victoria's Secret bras that lift me up and make me look more rounded instead of deflated. All in all, it looks pretty good considering what I have to work with right now.
I must say that this was the first non-stress inducing bathing suit expedition since high school. The sales ladies were so excited for me and very helpful with colors and patterns as well as styles. They brought me different ones to try and were so helpful and friendly. I didn't feel like a freak but felt more like I was being spoiled by a concierge service. Strange but nice experience. I would definitely suggest trying them during a non-busy time like a Monday night so you can get the help we need.
Good luck to all on your bathing suit searches.