Hi All!!!
It's been a long time since I posted, but between working full time and going to school full time, I have been spread pretty thin.
I just wanted to share some great news with you guys. I found out yesterday that after much deliberation (2/16/05-5/13/05) My insurance company is covering my TT, BR, and Thigh lift!!!! I'm hoping to be scheduled for surgery some time in August.
I just wanted to share some awesome news with you guys. I love you all and hope you have been doing well. Ciao!

First of all... congratulations!!!!
Secondly... I have a question for you. My surgeon told me to wait til 18 months for any plastics... did yours say that and then change his mind or is it the same story that each surgeon does it differently?
I haven't started documenting rashes or anything yet. What was the first step for getting plastics done AND COVERED by insurance? Did your primary care physician assist or did you go straight to the plastic surgeon? Do you have a copy of the letter that I could go to a plastic surgeon with because the ones around here say that it is NEVER covered by insurance so I was giving up hope on getting it covered.
Who is your surgeon because I am willing to go anywhere if it is covered by insurance? Plane tickets are a whole lot cheaper than 25k for all of it to be covered.
It is so nice to see that this is possible!!!!
330/185/140 RNY 9/7/04 (twins!!!)