Leaving Home!
Ha Ha not for good, just for the weekend. My family along with my in-laws are going up to Cortland this morning for my Nephew's First Communion Sunday. Instead of packing for babies I had to pack food to bring for myself in a cooler. Since we will be stopping for lunch, and since it will probably be "Kids Choice" I packed some cottage cheese, watermelon, cantelope, grapes, protein powder, milk, protein bars, pretzel sticks, popcorn, water, crystal light, yogurt, string cheese, egg beaters which should take me through the weekend. I am set, you think? Just hope I don't experiment with non healthy food at the party. Will be back Monday night, so I will let you all know how I made out.

Hi Sue
I'm back, had a wonderful time up in Cortland and I have to admit I DID cheat, but now I must get back on track and get away from sampling. First thing tomorrow I have a date with the scale! Could not resist the wonderful Italian cooking by my Brother-In-Law's aunts. Anyway, I was hurt because I have not seen my sister-in-law since way before my surgery. From the time we arrived at her house on Saturday and left early this afternoon she NEVER ONCE ACKNOWLEDGED my weight loss. It was like nothing ever happened. Her inlaws did tell me how "thin" I was but nothing from S-I-L. This was the first time I have ever encounted someone not commenting on the 105 lbs I lost. Oh well.
Glad to be back!