Update on my health (not weight loss related)
Leslie -
God bless ya girl, through all the months of reading your posts you have impressed me with the fact that you are such a self motivated person! Not an ounce of "poor me, I'm a victim" in sight. You continue to help yourself and better yourself, where do you find the strength? You are such an inspiration. Keep moving forward in your journey and I will for sure keep you in my thoughts and prayers. (((((((((GENTLE HUGS)))))))))
Hey Leslie,
Thanks for sharing with us some of what you are going through. We all learn from each other and hopefully can help each other get through the hard stuff, and you've got more than your share of the hard stuff! Just wanted you to know I'm thinking of you and hope you feel a little better each day.
Hi Honey,
I am sooooooooo sorry that you are having so many problems!! My problems were NOTHING compared to your diagnoses, but I was having chronic shoulder spasms, joint pain (diagnosed as arthritis), chronic diarreha (diagnosed as IBS), a "butterfly" rash on my face (thinking it might be lupus), etc. I was fully convinced that I had fibromyalgia, although no doctor would confirm it. I FINALLY went to a "holistic doctor" to get accupuncture for the shoulder spasms, and she diagnosed me as having Celiac Disease, which is a sensitivity to gluten (wheat, oats, barley, and rye). I know that it sounds toooooo simple, but when I cut all gluten out of my diet I became a different person within a month!! I am not suggesting that something this simple would "fix" you, but it might be worth a try!! It sure couldn't hurt anything!! Not being able to eat bread or pasta or anything with wheat in it was what finally convinced me to go ahead and have RNY. Like I say, my problems were not anything compared to those you have, but cutting wheat out of your diet MIGHT help!!! Bless you heart, I hope so. If you have any other questions, just let me know. Hugs, Pam