Update on my health (not weight loss related)
Well, I've had a LOT going on health wise. I've been going back and forth on whether or not I should post about it, but then I just decided to go for it. (I've learned about internet posting, and I wouldn't share anything that I wouldn't want my absolute WORST enemy to know.
Anyway, I saw my neurologist 3 weeks ago b/c the dizzy spells were just unbearable. He told the dizzy spells were from an ocularvestibular disorder. I am now taking diamox for that. The spells weren't related to the optic neuritis, but my left pupil doesn't react to light the way it should and I have more permanent vision loss from the optic neuritis.
Then, the joint pain got so bad that I spent nearly two weeks in bed. I could barely function enough to get my youngest to head start.
I called the rheumatologist and made an appt. He decided that the progressive nature of the psoriatic arthritis justified beginning chemotherapy drugs. I take methotrexate every Wednesday and folic acid every day. He also gave me a high dosage of steroids injection.
The first two weeks of the methotrexate were a NIGHTMARE. I was so sick. Then, like magic, I started feeling better. I can bend my fingers again. . I can type again. I can bend over and movie again!
The back pains are still a horrid nightmare, but my PCP gave me a referral to a pain management clinic.
Unfortunately, the X rays taken by the rheumie came back abnormal. There was a lot of inflammation around my lungs and heart. So, yesterday, I had a CT scan of my chest. I don't know the results yet. I think the doc's leaning toward vasculitis, which could confirm the diagnosis of lupus. My tests for lupus were inconclusive. I have the DNA antibodies for lupus, but the ANA came back negative. So, we'll see. . .
Living with chronic pain is just a nightmare. It would seem that somedays, I just didn't know how I could get through. I take soma and baclofen for muscle spasms. . . and lortab for pain. But sometimes, the meds just don't work. A shot of toradol is my best friend in this world!
I'm really hoping the pain management doc can do something to help. Maybe he can somehow 'paralzye' the muscles that keep spasming in my back.
So, anyway, that's where things are. Sometimes, I feel really down about this surgery b/c I haven't been exercising, and I eat far more often than I should (thanks to the ulcers), but then I think that I'm just DARN lucky to be losing at all.
I truly believed this surgery saved my life. I would probably be wheel chair bound if I hadn't had it. There is no way I could have gotten up and around with this much pain if I still weighed 270 - no way. And being a size 16 is much better than a size 24.
I just hope I keep on the path to wellness. I just keep looking toward the bright side. . .
You know, having MS, Psoriatic arthritis, raynaud's and maybe vasculitis/lupus. . . . I guess Social security disability will have to approve my claim! LOL

Wow, you've really been through it. How do you take meds that work with your surgery. I mean there are so many meds we aren't supposed to take. Hope everything works out for you. I'll say a prayer for you, for sure. But you're so right, being a size 16 and having all of this is much better than being large and having all these problems. So, one problem down, several more to go. You can do it!
My gosh Leslie, I don't know how you do it. I am such a wimp when it comes to pain and to be in chronic pain 24/7 must be so hard.
((((((((BIG HUGS)))))))))**not squeezing to hard...I don't want to hurt you**I hope your pain doc can help you manage your pain. Please keep us updated.
I'll throw a few prayers your way as well.
Hey, but going from a size 24 to a size 16 is awesome. You are doing great when it comes to weight loss. Hang in there kiddo and I hope you feel better really really soon.
thank you Erin. Sometimes, I feel like a wimp! LOL
It's strange the way your body reacts to pain. I think my body handles horrid pain better than moderate pain. With horrid pain, my body kind of "shuts down." I just lie down, take medicine and wait for the pain to pass. With moderate pain, I don't shut down. I just stay in pain and feel every second of it. Strange.
Anyway, thanks!
I had spasms in my back and I still have arthritis, but with the weight loss it doesn't bother me like it use to. I had 24/7 pain in my back, spasms, and head. My neurologist had me on Trazadone (which is a generic of a anti depressant) for 150mg, Zanaflex 4mg (muscle relaxant), and Celebrex 200mg - 400mg (anti-inflammatory). This regimen kept the pain away. You have a lot more going on, but this worked for me... thought it's may help you.
ps: home from my second round of chemo and on a different anti-nausea medication. So far I've kept my wits about me longer. My WBC count is on the way down, so well have to see how I'm doing next week. Later.
Hi! I've been thinking about you. Glad to hear the anti-nausea medication is helping more. ((( HUGS )))
I have a warning for you with zanaflex, though. I was taking it for back spasms. Then, SUDDENLY, without warning, I starting have a very rare side effect - hallucinations! I would see spiders coming at me from every direction. It was like being trapped in a nightmare. It was horrible. I had been taking it for more than a year with no problem - then all the sudden - BAM! Horrid side effects. Watch that with zanaflex.
I was on celebrex, but it caused two ulcers. I haven't heard of the trazadone, though. I do take effexor.
I get a lot of relief from shots of toradol.
Wow, Leslie! I guess we share more than the same name and same wls date! I too have chronic pain and similar lab test results. Thankfully, I dont have the diagnoses you do. I empathize with you so much. My wls has reduced the chronic pain episodes. (now just labeled as fibromyalgia and arthritis, Im also bipolar) Ive had positive and negative ANA tests. I also break out in a rash on all joints when Im in the sun. I know lupus can be horrible to live with. I know 2 ladies with it. I hope you get the SSD. Im 18 months into SSD process and dont get a hearing for another year but then again.... my pain isnt as bad due to the wls. I used a walker and wheelchair till a few months ago. Now I can walk (still no distances) and have pain episodes every few days to weeks instead of every day. Please feel free to email me just to "chat" or discuss pain clinics, meds., and other stuff. Best of luck to you. Ill keep you in my prayers. WTG with the weight loss.
Wow. That's amazing. We do have so mu*****ommon. My mother has rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia. I have often wondered if I have fibro too.
Isn't the SSD thing a nightmare??? It's ridiculous!!!! I think SSA is waiting for most people to give up and go back to work. Two years is a long time to wait.
I feel your pain. . both literally and metaphorically. ;)